"Honey just stay here."your
Mother said as she put you
To your cabinet giving you
Your favorite stuffed toy ."Where are you going mama?"
You asked as you looked at her
Figure .she looked like she's
Near on crying ."Just...just...ugh just stay here
For a while .don't ever try to
Go out .just sleep in here .it'll
Be alright."she said as she placed
A long kiss at your forehead before closing the door .You as a 10 years old kid doesn't
Know what's happening even
You know many things .hours
Later you fell asleep .You heard the sound of the door
Open and you woke up .you
Hugged your stuffed toy scared of who is it until the door opened."I found her!"the man said .
"Come with us little girl .we're
The police we'll help you up."
He said and you go with him."I'll cover your eyes and just
Walk."he ordered and you obeyed .you let him guide you
To every step you take until
You felt you were thrown.You opened your eyes seeing
People with scarfs at their
Faces looking at you ."good work.
We'll put her with the others."
One of them said and before
You could scream they put
A cloth at your mouth.Then you passed out...
Few days later it was just total
Abuse .they would beat the shit out of you because they're bored .you now knew why did they kidnapped you .It's because they want you to
Be their hostage .they placed you
On a dirty place and give you food that looked like for animals mostly to dogs just for you to live. It looked not bearable.Your clothes was worn and your
Face has bluish and purple marks which is bruises from the beatings.You can't handle it anymore so
You broke the window and
Climbed on it .you got out and
Looked if there is someone
In there .You breathed comfortably
Seeing no one in there and started running away from there
Even if you don't know where
To go .you just need to get
Away from there.You ran and ran and you managed to get far without
Being noticed .Then your legs started to brake.
It didn't move and you stumbled
At the ground crying and feeling
The stinging pain coming from
Your legs and your whole body.You cried and crawled at the back of a bush leaning on it.
"Help me..."you managed to say.
Then you heard footsteps.You cried more afraid that it
Might be them .then someone
Walked at your front .you looked
Up backing away from the
Bark brown haired male looking
Down at you ."G-guys look"he said and more
People came ."are you okay?"one
Of them asked with black hair.You just cried more afraid of
Them ."it's okay .we won't
Hurt you."the dark brown haired
Male said showing his hands
Like he was taming a scared
Animal .You looked deeply on his emerald green eyes and that
Made you trust him .you held
His hands weakly and he smiled
At you ."What happened to her?"another
One asked with dirty blonde hair .they shook their head saying
Idk ."Come with us we won't hurt
You."the blonde haired guy said
With a smile and others nodded.
They looked good and kind
So you did .The bald guy put his jacket at
Your shoulder because you
Were cold .They took you somewhere and
It looked like a house ."guys
We'll just buy her clothes .I don't
Think she's comfortable with that."the red haired girl said.

Attack On Titan X Reader (One Shots)
FanfictionAllriiightyyyy! This will be An X reader book of Aot\Snk. Here you, the reader will be partnered with SNK's guys. I will tell some story so I can freely say what do I like to say without Stuttering which I always did When I'm telling stories. Headed...