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13th JULY , Monday- It's a quite sunny day.


Manik was in his casual clothes, wearing sun glass and driving his car in high-speed. Actually, on half way to Dhruv's mansion is where Cabir's house too so Manik have decided to go to Cabir house first and from there they will go together to Dhruv's mansion.

On the same road, Nandini driving to the place where Navya have asked her to reach. She is wearing a black jeans and a white blouse and most importantly she is driving carefully and following speed limit. In fact she does like driving her car at high speed as her parent die in car accident due to driving the car at high speed.

Nandini: Aiyappa what is this? This is so not could I wake up so late and that to today. You know right aiyappa that I had promise Navya that I will be there early in the morning now it's already 11 am.

While she driving her car, she saw something on the middle of the road so she quickly slows down her car. When she could clearly see that is a small puppy in the middle of the road, she immediately stops the car at the side of the road and run to the puppy.

Nandini: Hey cute puppy! What are you doing in the middle of the road? OMG puppy your leg is bleeding! ( she immediately carry the puppy)

Before Nandini could move from there she saw a black Mercedes-Benz car nearing them with high speed.Nandini get panik and all she could think to do is close her eyes tightly and hug the puppy tightly.After horning the car horn zillion times, finally the car manage to stop just right infront of Nandini. A guy comes out of the car angrily and is none other than Manik Malohtra.Nandini still standing there like a statue closing her eyes.

Manik: Are you crazy! Is this the way you commit suicide by standing in the middle of the road.

Nandini - Nandini slowly open her eyes and saw the car was stopped right infront of her and it didn't hit her) Thank you aiyappa you have saved us! (She happily said without realising Manik is shouting at her)

Manik - What thank you aiyappa? FYI (for your information) if I have not press the break at the right would have meet your aiyappa directly by now.

Nandini - I am so sorry. Actually this cute puppy was lying on the middle of the road and see its leg also bleeding. That's why I came here to help it.

Manik - Wow tum toh sache meh pagal...Harrey in this entire world who will think of sacrifices their own life to save a bloody dog?

Nandini - I will and even for your information...this is not bloody dog, it's a cute puppy and bechara its leg is injured. (By saying this Nandini ignored Manik and walk towards her car )

Manik - Hey where are you going? I am not done with you!( By then there a few car behind Manik's car start to horn so Manik have no choice so he quickly drive from there to avoid creating further traffic.


Finally Manik reach Cabir's house. After he park his car, he went inside

Cabir's Mom: Hi Manik. How are you?

Manik: Hello aunty. I am all good. Where is Cabir?

Cabir's Mom: Woh as usually doing his late packing in his room.

Manik: Okay thanks aunty!


Manik: Harrey Cabirrr...You will never change right?

Cabir: Change what!

Manik: Last minute packing up.

Cabir: Actually Manik I don't like changing good habit.

Manik: yaar tuh bina!

Cabir: Okay I am done let's go and yes from now onward I will drive as you must be tired of driving.

Manik:(This reminds Manik about Nandini and the incident) Tired! I don't think so but definitely irritated and angry.

Cabir: Of course how could I forgot angry is your best friend right!(Manik give angry look) Sorry your first best friend right?

Manik: Cabirrr!

Cabir: okay! What I mean to say was angry is usual thing but why are you irritated?

Manik:(Manik explain the whole incident to him) The most irritating part is she was not thanking me for saving her life instead she go and thanking her aiyappa.

Cabir: (cabir started to laugh) Manik I can't believe that you are jealous and that to with a god! Now that's good improvement bro.

Manik: Cabirr! I am telling you how irritated I was because of her and here you are irritating me even more.

Cabir:No yaar just think this incident in different angle...I mean a girl who can care so much for a street puppy then how much could she care for the people she loved!

Manik: Here goes our CABIR DHAWAN again with his love classs. Anyway now let's forgot all this and we getting late so let's go.

Cabir: Here goes our Manik Malhotra again changing the topic. (Manik give angry look again) Harrey I was joking...okay let's go.


After send the little puppy to nearest animal clinic, Nandini finally reach Dhruv's mansion. Meanwhile Navya was talking with someone regarding the decoration.

Nandini: Hi Navya!

Navya: Nandini is this early morning for you...Its 1pm Nandini.

Nandini: I am so sorry Navya. Woh actually... ( Navya notice red stain in Nandini's blouse)

Navya: Nandu tumhe kya hua? Are you alright?

Nandini: Come down Navya...Mujhe kya hua! I am all good and see I am standing right infront of you.

Navya:Then what is this red mark on your blouse.

Nandini: ( Nandini explain everything about finding the puppy in the middle of the road and her encounter with Manik too)

Navya: Actually that guy was not wrong...You are pagal.Kya zarurat thi to become hero and that too in the middle of road.

Nandini: Not again Navya as I am already annoyed with that guy and now you are saying the same thing. You know Navya, in my 22years of life nobody has shouted that loud to me.

Navya: Okay I won't say anything. Now go change your dress first.

Nandini: Okay Navya!


Precap: Manan met again in another different way...

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