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Nandini and the rest of them are in their own table and Aman comes to their cabin.

Aman: Guys attention please! (All of them turn to him to listen) Manik Sir has called all of you for an important meeting in the conference room now.

Zaki: Yes will be there in a moment.

Aman: Okay hurry up!


All the four of them was waiting for Manik in conference room and then Manik enter the room.

Manik: So I guess all of you are here already?

Zaki: Yes sir all of us are here.

Manik: Good! So I have called all of you here to inform you that Multimillionaire company owner Mr. Mehta is going to celebrate her daughter's 21st birthday grandly.

Tara: and we are going to design his daughter's birthday dress right Sir.

Manik: Not so soon Miss Tara.

Sujatha: Why sir?

Manik: Since Mr. Metha want's to celebrate her daughter's birthday grandly, he has also asked other fashion houses too to design her daugther's birthday dress and her daugther will choose the best among it.

Zaki: No worries Sir we will definitely impress her daughter.

ManIk: No Zaki we can't be over confident as we can't underestimate our competitors.

Tara: Sir I will come up with a super design and I am sure she will like it.

Manik: No Tara! Actually I want all of you to come up with a design. Think this as a competition among all of you and I will choose the best design to represent Manu Fashion House. (He said it looking at Nandini.)

Sujatha: Okay sir and when is the due date sir.

Manik: I want your rough sketch of your design by tomorrow evening 6pm. So now you can go back to your cabin.

Everyone nod their head and leave the conference room leaving Manik and Nandini alone.Then even Nandini also about to leave the room but Manik stop her.

Manik: So Miss Murthy I hope you still remember the challenge. Remember if you didn't win this competition among your colleague then I will demote you into intern.

Nandini: Of course I remember it Sir and even I am sure that after seeing my design you will accept that I am talented in front of everyone.

Manik: Will see that soon.

Then Manik leave the room and Nandini having self thoughts

Nandini: (Aiyappa this is my right time to prove my talent to him.)


Next day evening, Aman collects the sketch design from all of them after asking them to write their name behind the design paper and he gives them to Manik. Manik took those papers with him and goes home as he decided to look them at home. Nandini had sketched her favourite design for the dress hoping Manik will see her talent.


After dinner, Manik comes to his room to look through the design and when he saw the last design he get shocked and he immediately turn the design paper to see name behind it and he say it out loud with a shock tone...

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