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Both enter the office...They were in their way to conference room

Nandini was walking nervously as they were late...Manik notice it...

Manik: Nandini relax...Mr.Singhania is like my uncle and he won't say anything just for 10 minutes late...

Nandini: Accha...pakka na...He won't be like you right?

Manik: What you mean not like me?

Nandini: I mean giving punishment for coming late...

Manik: Not at all...Actually even I am not a boss who gives punishment for coming late as I know there must be a reason for them to come late!

Nandini: Accha...then why did you give me punishment on my first day...

Manik: Woh... That's because you are special...

Nandini: aiyappa will anyone irritate a person with punishment just because the person is special...

Manik smiles...

Manik: We have have your talk with your aiyappa later...

Nandini: Reach where?

Manik: Conference room...Remember we have a meeting with Mr.Singhania!

Nandini: Okay let's go in then...


Singhania: Hi Manik... (Singhania comes and hug Manik)

Manik: Hello Mr.Singhania... (Manik hug him back)

After breaking the hug, Mr.Singhania notice Nandini...

Singhania: Manik you have changed your PA is it?

Manik: No actually Aman was on leave...She is my junior fashion designer and she is just helping me out!

Singhania: Okay nice to meet you girl... (Singhania extend his hand to Nandini)

Nandini: It's pleasure to meet you sir! (Nandini shakes hand with him)

Singhania: What is your name sweetheart!

Nandini: Nandini! I mean Nandini Murthy!!!

Singhania: Manik don't you think she is cute...I mean she reminds me of my daughter who is in overseas now!

Manik: Yes she is Mr.Singhania...Manik said looking at Nandini...

Nandini also looks at Manik...both were lost looking at each other...Mr.singhania break their eyes lock...

Singhania: Okay why are we standing? Come take your seat...

All three of them sit comfortably...

Singhania: So Manik I call you for the meeting to tell you that Robert Bridal House which is a very famous shop In USA and only sells expensive wedding dresses now wanted to launch an Indian wedding dress in their shop and they have selected Singhania textile for exporting the dress...

Manik: So you are signing the contract with us right?

Singhania: I would love too but there was another fashion house has requested Mr. Robert the owner of that shop to give them the chance to design the wedding attire...

Manik: But Mr.Singhania didn't you told him that our fashion house is your main dealer...

Singhania: Yes I have told them...In fact I even told him that your fashion house is the number one fashion house in Mumbai...

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