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Nandini and Sujatha were almost done with the design...

Sujatha: Yes finally we are ready with our design Nandini...

Nandini: Yes Sujatha and now let's figure out the best colour for it...

Sujatha notice Nandini's face was dull...

Sujatha: Yes...but tell me what happen to you?

Nandini: Me? I am fine...

Sujatha: You fight with Manik sir is it?

Nandini: No actually I am missing being his PA Sujatha...but I don't think so he is missing me at all...

Sujatha: Nandini guys are not that much expressive like us so just give him some time na...

Nandini: I just want him to say that he too missing me as I am not his PA anymore but no... all he was missing was only my coffee...

Sujatha: Hai bhagwan please save me from this two people who are madly in love...

Nandini: Hello stops making fun of me and now tell me about your Mister Unknown...

Sujatha: Actually his name is Arjun and he is a software engineer...Basically he is a nice guy...

Nandini: So now you guys are friends is it?

Sujatha: Actually you can say more than a friend...

Nandini: Wow Sujatha that's so fast...

Sujatha: Actually we like each other in the first meeting itself...

Nandini: But Sujatha you are sure of that guy right...

Sujatha: Yes Nandini...He behaves with me as a perfect gentleman so no worries...

Nandini: If you are sure of him then it's fine...



Manik was not able concentrate with his work at all as his mind was keep on thinking about Nandini...Every time Aman comes to his room he mistakenly call Aman as Nandini...

Manik is terribly missing Nandini around him...The last whole week Nandini was his PA and most of the time she was with him and now that Aman was back Manik does not have reason to call her to his cabin also...

Then, when it was lunch time Aman comes to his cabin...

Aman: Sir should I bring your lunch now!

Manik: No Aman...Today I will eat in the canteen...

Aman gets shock of his life...

Aman: Are you sure sir I mean you don't like the noisy environment at the canteen right?

Manik: Yes but today nothing can stop me to reach my shining star...

Aman: What star sir?

Manik: Nothing you go and carry on with your work...

Aman: Okay sir...


Zaki, Soha and Nandini just started having their lunch on the same table...Sujatha once again gone to meet Arjun...

Manik enter the canteen and was feeling happy to see Nandini after four long hours...He decided to order his food first before meeting Nandini...Nandini didn't realised it but Zaki realised Manik is there so he takes this opportunity to...

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