Chapter 2

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The next day was rather different compared to the following night. When Y/N had woken up from a rather comfortable sleep, she was surprised to hear how quiet it was.

"Man" She groaned, stretching her back, "I should be recommended from Berwald where he gets his furniture from." She sat up slowly, taking in the quietness that actually brought tranquillity to her.

She knew it was time to get up, the time was around 8:30 am, making her groan tiredly. She got up, hoping that she could go for a shower, have a day that was stressed free, but she knew that it wasn't going to be likely.

For some reason, she thought that all was gonna be fine after the fire-back on the magic that affected the Nordics. She kind of hoped that they were all back to their usual selves. To go downstairs and see that they were all back to normal, to hear the loud commotion from Mathias or Emil rejecting calling Lukas his older brother.

But she was let down, once walking into Lukas' room, seeing once again all Nordic brothers how she left them the following night. She awed yet again, seeing the sight that was in front of her: Emil was clutching onto Lukas' top, whilst the Norwegian was sleeping the opposite way, his feet kicking into the Mathias' face.

Speaking of the Dane, he was spread across the middle of the bed, limbs spread out like a starfish and drool dribbling down the side of his mouth. And for Tino and Berwald, the two were snuggled up closely together, Tino clutching onto Berwald's shirt.

Y/N gushed at the cuteness, trying her best not to take a photo of them all. She quietly closed the door behind her, going downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

She begun looking for food in the fridge, remembering that there was barely any food yet. I'll have to buy something for them before they wake up- It wasn't even after she thought about it, when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Morning guys." She smiled softly, the tiresome five staggering slowly like a pack of zombies into the room. They all looked too tired to reply, both Lukas and Berwald looked extremely threatening, eyes squinted, blond hair messy and a odd scowl on the face.

Y/N tried to ignore their strange looks, realising that they're usually not morning people, "We're gonna have to go out for breakfast" she motioned towards the fridge, "since they isn't anything worth to eat."

"Can I at least have some coffee?" Lukas was the first to reply, Y/N surprised by how deep his voice sounded, almost scratchy and too low for a five year old. Y/N nodded her head hesitantly, grabbing the coffee in the cupboard and a mug.

"Anyone else want coffee?" She asked kindly towards the others.

And much to her surprise, everyone else replied with a immediate 'yes'.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~After their morning coffee was taken, the six got dressed-which was spent Y/N trying to find some clothes that actually fit them all- and were now all in Y/N's car, driving back from her apartment to get some spare clothes and snacks for everyone.

Much to their Scandinavian looks and stereotypes, they all decided to go with black liquorice, something that made Y/N grimace at both the taste, looks and texture. Another advantage to their heights was that they all could fit inside Y/N's car, without having to worry about crowdedness and having no feeling in their legs for the next 20 minutes they spent inside the vehicle.

"Where we going Y/N?" Tino asked quietly from the back, being squeezed up beside Berwald and Lukas. "Heh, well... confessions out guys, but... I have no money on me to buy you all something for breakfast, so my only plan is that I ask someone to take us in, hopefully not freak out at your states,and have breakfast with us."

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