Chapter 13

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Lukas sat narrowed eyed on his bed, his small legs dangling on the edge, looking off into space. He was upset and angry, and all other emotions bubbling inside of him. He couldn't believe it didn't work, that from all that hard work and effort from him and Arthur, it was all wasted.

He didn't know if he would be able to forgive the Dane's stupidity, but he knew he could agree with him, as much as he didn't want to. He himself, felt excited (apart from he kept it hidden inside and didn't show it, unlike Mathias). Lukas was excited to know he would be going back to his normal self, and the same as his brothers.

He felt upset himself that he wasn't able to work it properly, and in an all out of control rage, he lashed out at Mathias, and he knew it was both wrong and right. He wished he could go back and re-do everything, react in a different way, but he knew he had upset Mathias, but as well as him, everyone else; Tino, Berwald, Emil, Arthur and Y/N, were just as upset and down about it.

He needed to find Y/N, he had calmed down after some time of being alone, to check up on her, but she probably didn't want to see anyone either.

He sighed heavily in defeat; he had to at least try and find someone, and staying in his room wouldn't help solve anything. The only person he was not happy in seeing at this exact moment was Mathias, he needed to have a moment before apologising.

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Y/N had finally decided to come down, sitting in the Nordics' living room alone. Mathias thought it would be best to lie down once again in his room- the poor thing was so traumatized from being shouted out, she wasn't surprised he needed some time to himself.

She still hadn't heard back from Arthur, but she assumed he was busy, but it didn't mean she enjoyed the peace, she was in fact feeling lonely, lonely from not hearing everyone around her, she missed all of their company.

Just as she thought she was to fall asleep, she heard quiet shuffling from the hallway, and someone entering the room. Her eyes darted to see the two small figures standing close to where she sat on the couch. She smiled sadly, but the softness didn't leave her eyes, "How you feeling Tino?" She asked the small Finnish male, who stood beside Berwald.

He sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve, "A bit better I guess." He paused, glancing towards Berwald next to him, Ber kept me company." "H' n'e'e' t'e 'a'm'h. I' w's 'o'd." Y/N smiled once again, nodding in understanding, the house had become unbearably cold since there were no-one living in it for such a long period of time.

"Well, you can always keep me company here." She patted the couch to her left hand side, as Tino's eyes widened, as he moved first to the couch, almost leaping on to it and sitting closely to Y/N's side to keep warm. Berwald was a bit more hesitant, but he eventually joined Tino's side.

There was some silence for a long majority of time, and it could only mean the two had fallen asleep. Y/N smiled as she slowly stood up, trying not to disturb either one as she walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.

Whilst debating, she decided to go with a cup of coffee, and whilst she prepared it, she noticed something that caught her peripheral vision. She turned to see Arthur's book just sitting there on the table, the book wasn't even closed, it was half kept open with a corner bent to keep the page number.

She quickly turned to see if there was anyone nearby, before she immediately went to skim through the pages, reading through each spell that was used for any problem or reason. She was confused at first; why had Arthur left his spell book behind? Did Lukas need it?

As she finally made it to the page that had been momentarily secured from being lost, she saw the familiar writing ad spell of what they were trying to attempt.

She quickly skimmed through the entire page, reading each word carefully, and still not really finding anything that could be useful. There was however one thing written in small yet bold writing right at the bottom of said page, a whole chunk of a paragraph written in black ink. The one thing strange was that it wasn't even in English. It didn't even look like it was in Norwegian either.

Y/N decided to grab her phone and quickly type it into Google Translate, and eventually the text came up as written in Latin. Odd as it seemed, she was more interested in what it had translated back into. Even though it was translated, it was not translated properly into English, but Y/N could try and get the gist of it:

In previous attempts of trying to recreate this specific spell, there have been no proper examples of it being successful. In such examples in the past, participants had to bring in those who were stated as not affected by such backfiring. In the case of a sacrifice from one of a new host, the previous host of said object or living person can be properly be brought back to their normal state once again.

A sacrifice? She thought, but the alarm bells were ringing. Who would sacrifice themselves for the Nordics to get back to their normal states? The thoughts were running through her mind, but as she quickly dialed the Brit's phone number into her phone, there was only one decision that she had been thinking.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" As soon as Arthur's voice came through the other side, she begun bubbling out what she had discovered. "No, I just found something. You left your spell book in the kitchen of the Nordics. Well, I was looking through it and saw something that was missed. It was translated from Latin and it said that there could be another way to get the Nordics back."

There was silence from the other side, but Arthur begun speaking, "That's brilliant news Y/N. What exactly do they have to do?-" "There's a downside to it though. It says that there has to be a new host to sacrifice themselves to allow the previous hosts to bring them back to their normal states. I know what I have to do Artie- as much as I don't want to do it."

"Y/N, what are y-you going to do? Wait, I'm getting in my car right now, don't do anything, what are you thinking of doing?" His voice was rushed and hurried, and she could hear him panting, running to get to his car as fast as he could.

She sighed, as she looked over to see Tino and Berwald still sleeping on the couch, "I'm sorry Artie." she exhaled shakily, her mouth feeling hoarse, but she managed to speak.

"But I need to sacrifice myself..."


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