Chapter 5

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Next morning.

The light seeped through into the small room from the gap in-between in the curtains, bringing light to brighten up the room. Y/N groaned as she turned and tossed on the bed, her E/C squinting slightly as she sighed into the pillow, taking in the quietness of the room, not even hearing anyone beside her. She could finally close her eyes taking in the silence more.

But that was what made her eyes shot open quickly, it was too quiet.

Due to the Nordic brothers not sleeping, or even in the room.

She shot out of the bed, panic seeping into her, "Guys? Lukas? Matthias? Tino?" She called for anyone, but she gained no replies. She didn't bother even seeing if she looked alright, grabbing her phone as she rushed downstairs, prepared to call the police, but she calmed down upon reaching the kitchen, hearing small chatter taking place inside.

She slowly slipped inside, taking in the site, watching as Mathias, Berwald and Emil sat at the kitchen table, whilst Tino, Lukas and Arthur stood by the cooker, the faint smell of something filling Y/N's nostrils: sweet and light.

Her presence was spotted by Mathias, who grinned widely at the sight of Y/N by the door, "Hey, morning sleeping beauty." This brought the others to turn to see her at the door, smiling brightly or by greeting her, "Morning? What's going on?" She asked quietly as Arthur was already serving up something on plates, "We thought we would give you some time to yourself, since you've been looking after us for such a while." He smiled warmly.

"We thought we'd owe you something in a way of thanks." Lukas spoke, as Tino was the first to rush over to her, hugging her legs, as he stared up at her with his bright eyes, "Come sit down!" She couldn't help but smile as he took his small hand as he led her to the table. She sat down as Arthur placed a plate in front of her, surprised that it didn't look burnt and she could actually recognise what it was.

"Pancakes?" She asked as Arthur grabbed some lemons, honey and sugar from the kitchen counter, "Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I got some help with cooking them." She smiled at him as she felt the warmth fill her insides, "You guys, you didn't need to do this." she murmured.

"We want you to relax for once," Mathias had stuck his fork into a pancake, munching loudly as she watched the others take more pancakes onto their own plates. There was the feeling of quietness that took place in the room, as they all ate their breakfast with small laughter and conversations.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Y/N was sat on the couch, the tiredness seeping in after the amazing breakfast they had. She felt disgusting: the clothes she had worn last night felt worn-out and crumpled on her body, and she wanted to get out of them as soon as possible.

"Love? Are you alright?" She looked over to Arthur, as she smiled tiredly at him, "I'm good, thank you for breakfast by the way." Arthur seemed surprised that for once, his cooking turned out rather well. "Well, that was from the help with Lukas and Tino." He chuckled, "How about you have some time to yourself?" She looked over at him, confused, "Oh no, I couldn't do that."

"It's fine, I can look after the boys. You go relax, you can use my bathroom, the shower or the bath, and you can go get some spare clothes from your place, have some time to rest at your place." She looked into his green eyes, checking for any lies, but she saw genuine truth in them. "I insist, please. It'll be alright here, if we need to call you, we'll let you know."

She slowly nodded, agreeing in the end as she sighed, grabbing her keys as she grabbed her phone, "Thank you Artie." She hugged him tightly as she rushed out his home towards her car.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Y/N had gotten into her apartment, grabbing clothes and toiletries for as many days as she needed to have. As she was about to leave, she got a glance at herself in the side mirror by her door: her H/C hair was messy and uncombed, her E/C eyes looked tired and she could see the prominent dark bags under her eyes.

She grimaced, ignoring her looks as she rushed back to get to Arthur's.



She didn't feel her body being dragged by itself to the bathroom, taking her clothes off and getting into the shower, the warm water hitting her back as she soaked herself, grabbing her F/S shampoo and conditioner and 2F/S body wash.

She sighed in content feeling the stress roll off her tired muscles as she stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying herself off. She put on some fresh new clothes and styled her hair as she left the bathroom, now feeling relieved that she was clean.

There was a loud knock at the door as she shouted out, "I'll get it!" To anyone who was there, running down the stairs as she opened it, being greeted once again by Francis-of all people

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There was a loud knock at the door as she shouted out, "I'll get it!" To anyone who was there, running down the stairs as she opened it, being greeted once again by Francis-of all people.

"Bonjour cherie." He winked once again at her, handing something to her in a small basket, "What is this Francis?" as she went to pull open the flap to look inside, but the Frenchman held her hand from doing so. "Ah ah, ah, you open it when you're with Arthur." He smiled as he begun walking away, "You'll mostly enjoy it though." and with that, he was gone.

She shrugged, taking the basket inside as she was greeted by Mathias, Tino and Berwald. "French Frog again?" Mathias grinned as Y/N sighed tiredly, inspecting the basket, "Yeah, he left this though." She thought, I wonder what the hell it is?

She shrugged half-heartedly, carrying it upstairs into the attic as she looked over to see Arthur and Lukas working hard, "Are you busy right now?" Y/N asked as they turned, both shaking their heads, "I'll leave you two to yourselves." Lukas spoke as he jumped down and walked outside, closing the door behind him.

"What is that?" Arthur asked as Y/N placed it onto the table, opening it up as they both looked inside. "Pastries?"  Y/N was confused, looking at the different sweet filled item from Danishes, to croissants. "Is this for both of us?" She asked, but Arthur tsk'ed in annoyance, as he took something out, "That bloody frog." He muttered as he took out some pieces of coal.

"There's a letter here." He said, as he took it out, reading it as he was quiet. The look on his face said something otherwise. "Wha? What's wrong?" He looked to her, but he handed it over as she read it through.

To my favourite neighbour,

I've seen you have some guests over, some who I know dearly (you know you I'm talking about), but I've noticed you've been hiding something else.

You don't need to fret no more mon ami, just so you know, I know.

And if you don't want me to call the police like the last time, I will come over and ask what exactly you're doing. We all know that Black magic is not allowed in this neighbourhood. Good luck Black sheep of Europe. Good luck getting out of this.

Your neighbour,

Francis Bonneyfey.

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