Lukas' Ending

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This is the Lukas(Aph Norway) ending, so it will be just Lukas x Reader. ENJOY!


Christmas had come and gone, and with that, Y/N probably had the best break she had ever had. In the end, she decided to split it off in terms of who she would visit. She spent the holidays with her family, but visited the Nordics at New Years.

She still visited her closest friends as well, those from college and she mainly spent it with those who meant so much to her. She loved New Years at the Nordics, it was stressful and chaotic, but she was glad she spent it with them and no-one else.

She mainly helped Lukas, who had the struggle of keeping an eye on Mathias, just so he didn't do anything that would get himself or anyone else killed. It was difficult, and it felt more like supervising a toddler rather than a grown up man. But she enjoyed it, mainly being in the company of Lukas, whom she had grown rather fond over.

Sure, he didn't show many emotions and it was more difficult to have a laugh with him, but she enjoyed how he could express himself with words. He was mature and sensible, two things you never got nowadays in any man.

She was lucky to have a friend in the Norwegian, but she was afraid of what he thought of her. Did he see her as just a friend? He never, ever, did talk about dating to her, or to anyone, and it made Y/N think more about if he had ever dated one, or if he wasn't really fond of it and enjoyed the feeling of being single.

She tried not to think much of it, the more she did, the more she couldn't chase away her feelings. She tried to stick to the feeling of just liking him as a close friend, but when her mind wandered off to imagining holding his hand, or kissing him, that was when she tried her best to shake those thoughts away, but it would be too late.

It had been like any other day, apart from Y/N was just coming out of a harsh cold she had gotten after getting soaked from the rain and not having an umbrella. She was still feeling like shit, but at least she could now manage to get out of bed with no trouble.

A quick knock on the door to her apartment brought her out of her thoughts, as she put down her empty mug of green tea on the table, and shuffled in her slippers to the door. She wasn't exactly dressed to impress, but she was in her nightwear, so she was just lucky she had put on a bra.

To her utter surprise, there stood Lukas, dressed in a nice pair of smart jeans and a button up shirt, something so casual, yet so Lukas

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To her utter surprise, there stood Lukas, dressed in a nice pair of smart jeans and a button up shirt, something so casual, yet so Lukas. The noise that left her mouth sounded more of an impression of a pterodactyl rather than something human. In a flash, she had moved to stand behind the door, pressing herself to it as she tried to block his view from what she was wearing.

"L-Lukas? What are you doing here?" This was awful; standing in front of the Norwegian who looked as stoic as ever, something that she had grown to love.

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