Chapter 11

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No time was wasted, immediately everyone was running around like they were headless chickens. Arthur and Y/N were trying to find potential places to clean up to make space, whilst, the Nordics waited on the side on the couch.

Mathias and Tino were the most excited - bless them. They seemed they wanted to get out of these small child forms and back into their normal selves. Lukas and Berwald were the most calm out of it all, standing on the sidelines, but Y/N could tell that they must've been excited inside. Emil was kind of the same, calm and trying to look cool of the situation, but he was dead jumping around on the couch.

After managing to move the table and some furniture, they had just enough room that seemed roomy for everyone to fit in the middle. "Right." Y/N stretched as she looked at their work, "Is there anything else we need?" Arthur's large eyebrows furrowed in thought, but stretched as well as the smile on his face.

"Oh! Why yes, one thing!" He walked quickly over to her cupboards, rummaging quite roughly through every item until he found what he was needing, "Erm... salt?" She questioned, thinking of what the possibility that Arthur was a Satanist.

"We need salt to help make the magic work better.... You could also use it as a way to make sure nothing else comes out or tries to interfere. No magic leaves the circle I make." He said as he shook it up, some of the salt flying around onto the floor or kitchen counter.

I'll have to clean that up later. She thought, moving to the side as she watched Arthur get to work. He first begun opening the salt, moving it around as it begun make a long line, after another. Curved then straight, diagonal and straight across. Y/N watched as he made what looked like a five pointed pentagram made out of salt.

"Right, so, we're definitely not summoning Satan?" Mathias whispered, earning a slap on the back of his head by Lukas, which caused the Dane to groan in pain. "Quiet dummy, let him work." Lukas grumbled, but they all continued to watch in wonder and awe.

Arthur finished the star by drawing a circle which connected to the points, which left no room for anyone to step inside, all whilst muttering something in a strange language. "Right, it's done." He exhaled heavily, looking to the Nordics.

"Right you lot. Stand around each point and hold hands, and try not to get any salt on you, this has to work properly." Everyone seemed hesitant at first, but did as what they were told, each Nordic standing at the edge of each point, holding hands, as they quietly awaited what would happen next.

"Lukas, my friend. Do you remember the spell off by heart?" Arthur questioned as Lukas quietly nodded, "Yes, you can copy me with what I say, but I won't be able to finish it." He said. Arthur nodded as he rummaged to get the book of spells from his bag (a bag that Y/N didn't notice he was carrying.)

He muttered the pages, reciting the strange inscriptions and shapes, but listened carefully to the first few words Lukas spoke effortlessly on his tongue.. It took some time for Arthur to get the hang of the accent and how to pronounce certain words, but he managed, and soon enough, the room started to get incredibly cold, everything in the room like lights, started to turn off and leave a small haze in the room.

"Y/N, have you got any candles? If so, light me some." Arthur quickly asked, as Y/N run though her cupboards and lighting four candles. "Place them around or close by to them." Arthur continued as she placed two on opposite side of each other in the circle and the other two on opposite sides of the room.

The Brit continued his spell, and it wasn't until Y/N though nothing was working, when something did begin to happen. A small green glow begun to come out of the pentagram, outlining the shape of it as its hue glowed onto the Nordic's faces.

The room lit up with the hue growing brighter and more greener, the light so bright, Y/N could hardly see. Arthur, at this point, was almost screaming over the sound of windows opening and shutting, the radio humming to life and the static sound coming from it, followed by the sound of a loud humming overpowering everything else. Through all of the bright lights and noises, Y/N could just about see the figures of the brothers change in size, moulding and growing slowly, their shadows beginning to grow as they started growing back to their normal heights.

With a final chant, Arthur's book shut immediately with a snap, Y/N thought that it had tried to bite back at Arthur's fingers, but he was okay. The book fell to the ground heavily, dust flying in the air as all noise and humming ceased immediately.

Y/N stood in amazement, watching the green hue begin to dimmer as everyone around the star stood happily and smiling brightly, "IT WORKED!" Mathias' voice was the same once again, deep and not as child-like and high pitched, as he threw both his hands in the air.

"N-NO! Don't do that! It will cause the spell to-" Arthur's shouting was finished as the green hue that was just about to die down suddenly grew a deep red colour, another grumble of the ground erupted as everyone shook quietly, the candles blowing out as it suddenly died out, as well as the glowing of red.

No lights turned on, but Y/N was worried she would get some shouting from her neighbours over the noises, but it seemed no-one had heard it. It seemed that time had stopped around them all. "...not work." Arthur's sentence soon came out as he and Y/N watched in pure horror as the Nordics bodies quick glowed red and shrunk quickly back down to their toddler heights.

Everything snapped shut and everyone didn't speak, but there was a look of disappointment in everyone's eyes, glares being sent to Mathias as Lukas snapped and cursed in Norwegian at him for being so stupid. Only if they had been patient and waited for the green glow to go away, it would've meant the spell had worked, and they would be back to their normal selves.

"G-Guys! It's okay!" Y/N tried to stop the arguments as she tried to stay positive, "We were just so close from it working, but that doesn't mean we can try it again. We can always do it now."

"We can't." Lukas spoke in a monotone voice, Y/N gave him a wary and confused look, "What do you mean?" "The spell we just performed can't work again, otherwise it could cause a rickashay of other people turning into children." Arthur picked up the book as he looked sadly over to them.

"We can't save them. That was our only chance."



- Mockingbirdsdontsing

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