Berwald's Ending

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This is the Berwald(Aph Sweden) ending, so it will be just Berwald x Reader. This is going to be a bit more a a fluff ending! ENJOY!


Christmas had come and gone, and with that, Y/N probably had the best break she had ever had. In the end, she decided to split it off in terms of who she would visit and she decided to spend the first half of the holidays with the Nordics, the second half with her family and to go back to visit the Nordics during the New Years.

It was a time of joy and celebration, and it made things even more exceptionally fun when she got to spend it with her good friends.

Yeah, there were times that were a bit stressful; like having to stop Lukas from attacking a drunk Mathias with a wooden spoon or try and try and not let said Dane on the roof of the house because he thought 'he could jump and fly away to Neverland and live amongst the mermaids'.

It was overall a good experience, and she mainly stuck by either Tino's or Berwald's side, and surprisingly, she actually enjoyed Berwald's company. For a man of a few words, he was rather funny with some of the things and comments he came out with, and Y/N found herself laughing more to his little quips about Mathias.

He could really sarcastic, but it were more one-liners that stood out and made her laugh due to how it came out of nowhere and surprised everyone and not just her.

She was unsure if from her small talk that she had with Berwald if she had indeed, grown a fond admiration for him over time. But it was uncertain whether he felt the same way. For once, he looked like he liked-no- loved Tino with a burning passion that no-one else could have for anyone but himself, and she was sure he wouldn't like girls.

But it was something she questioned, and overtime, she had to go to speak to it with Tino. The poor Finnish male seemed rather reluctant at first, but in the end, they did talk about Berwald, and how he seemed so fond over the both of them all of a sudden, even Y/N.

Y/N was highly confused; she hadn't seen Berwald make of these advancements as much as he did with Tino, and so, it brought quite high skepticism over it all, but she in the end, tried not to think much about it and get on with everything else.

This day was like any normal day; Y/N decided to be that kind friend she was and visit her close friends, specifically say she would take Tino's little cute Maltese dog Hana out for a long walk, since it was the least she could do for them (and rather, Tino was busy having to prepare dinner).

Y/N was glad she brought her thick and heavy winter coat with her, or else the jumper and jeans she was wearing wouldn't be enough to keep her warm from the cold air. She shivered, yet the smile of her face never faltered, since the small yapping Hana brought everything away.

Hana was especially loving to Y/N, and Y/N was so in love with the small dog, Tino had promised he that she would be on his top list to baby-sit her if they went away

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Hana was especially loving to Y/N, and Y/N was so in love with the small dog, Tino had promised he that she would be on his top list to baby-sit her if they went away.

Y/N and Hana begun their walk, walking along the streets and empty roads, passing shops and many other houses, the park seemed most optional, but for some reason it was closed for today (apparently the police found a large amount of drugs hidden in one of the bushes near the swings).

She was beginning to walk back, when the certain aura of something behind her suddenly overwhelmed her and thinking it was someone trying to kidnap her, she grew rather nervous. Only until she heard the familiar voice coming her way.

"Y/'? W'a' a'e 'o' d'i'g 'i'h 'a'a?"(Y/N? What are you doing here with Hana?) She turned to see the one and only Berwald, holding a few bags in his hands. My God, why is he so tall? It's insane. She thought, having to crane her neck up to greet him.

She smiled brightly, but she knew she wouldn't really expect a smile back, "Well, I came round and thought I would take little Hana for a walk, since Tino was busy making dinner." she replied. Berwald hummed in understanding and soon an awkward silence filled the cold air, the only sound coming from some cars driving past.

"D-Do you need any help with those bags?" She squeaked out quietly, but Berwald shook his head no, "'t's 'i'e."(It's fine.) he replied, as he looked down, to see Hana was jumping up at his feet, only managing to reach his shins she was that small.

Y/N could relate to her size, as the two begun to walk back towards the Nordic's home in silence. Along the way, there was some conversation, but not much, only until Berwald questioned her on something, that made her feel absolute dread.

"'i'o 'a's 'h't 'o' l'k'd 'e." (Tino says that you liked me.) She was lucky she had an already tight grip on the leash or else, she would've let go of Hana. "W-What?" she questioned quietly, her voice had croaked and she sounded now like a pubescent boy.

Curse Tino for telling him her secret, he would for sure be creeped out by her confession, so she had to at least plead a million apologies, "Ber, I'm sorry, I-I didn't think it would come out like this... erm.... sh*t, I'm b-bad at this.-"

"''m 't' a'g'y." (I'm not angry) was his response and she had to make double sure he wasn't lying, "I' f'c', ''m 'l'd." (In fact, I'm glad) The noise that had left her mouth sounded more like something from the prehistoric era rather than anything that sounded human, "W-What do you mean?"

The noise that had left her mouth sounded more like something from the prehistoric era rather than anything that sounded human, "W-What do you mean?"

They had stopped walking by now, Y/N facing the tall Swedish male, "I''e 'r'w' p'o'e't'v' o'e' y'u, 'u't 'i'e 'i'o." (I've grown protective over you, just like Tino.) he replied nonchalantly. She blinked slowly, "Did you grow this urge to protect me after I looked after you all?" She quietly asked, to which he just nodded.

A small 'oh' escaped her lips as her reply. She understood what he meant, and nothing else needed to be said from his part, but she was glad he had said those words, it made her feel better. "I'm glad in s-some ways.... at least it didn't seem awkward about it all." she was glad he had this protectiveness over her like Tino, she felt like she had her own body guard or someone there who would care for her, she couldn't help the blush deepen on her cheeks.

"It's cold, let's get going." she responded after some time as he nodded, wrapping a free arm around her shoulder as they walked down closer towards the home. She would be gladly telling Tino of the good news.

It was short, I know, I'm still a bit ill, but I'm getting better. Francis is the last person to write for and then I'll be done! Thanks for putting up with this all guys, see you all soon!!

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