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— The Half-Blood Prince —

This chapter and the next are shorter but then chapter 28 and the ones after are longer ones.

It was dark.

Well no shit, Clarissa. Your eyes are closed.

I mentally narrowed my eyes at myself and then actually opened my eyes. A glass of water was to my right on a table and I reached for it only to be weighed down my something on my waist.

I looked down to see Draco's white hair on my stomach along with his sleeping baby face.

I cooed and played with his hair, his face scrunching as he swatted my hands away.

"Oh, you're awake," said father, walking into the hospital wing.

"Shh," I shushed, pointing to Draco.

He held his hands up in surrender and walked to the side of the bed.

"How're you feeling?" he asked, eyeing Draco in a dark way.

There is is. I knew he couldn't have kept up the whole 'I'm totally cool with you liking guys' act.

I poked Draco's cheek and said, "Fine. My head hurts a bit but other than that, I'm good."

"Do you know why you fainted?" he asked.

"Probably dehydration," I answered taking the cup and drinking half it's contents before pouring the rest on Draco making him jolt awake.

"What the— Clarissa!" he whined, slicking his hair back while I laughed. He huffed and glared at me.

"You wouldn't wake up!" I said, smiling at the sixteen year old who was pouting in front of me.

"Well," said my father, scaring Draco, "I'll be off. I just came to check on you." I grinned at him as he left and looked to Draco.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Around eleven forty-five. Why?"

"I have double Potions at twelve. Will you hand me my uniform?" I asked him, pointing to the Slytherin vest, robes, tie, and my shoes. I still had on my pants, button up, and sock on but I figured Madam Pomfrey took off the other things to cool me off and to make the examination easier.

Draco threw me the clothes and they landed on my head, messing up my hair.

"Rude," I mumbled, tying my tie and putting on my vest. I stood up and slid on my shoes before dressing in my robe and grabbing my bag.

"Did Madam Pomfrey say you could leave?" he asked.

"Nope," I said and slung my bag over my shoulder.

In Potions, we were brewing Draughts of Dreamless Sleep, something we did in fourth year but they always say that repetition is key.

I walked up to the cupboard to grab my potions when I found Harry Potter making the Potion perfectly, even with the book's shitty instructions.

I grabbed my ingredients and watched him walk to another cupboard. I quickly grabbed another, regular book and switched his with the new one. I was interested in how his was so different.

When Potter returned to his seat, he opened the book to see that it had changed somehow. He looked around and I just went back to my potion.

After class was one of my free periods so I walked to the library to see what was so different about the Potter boy's book.

I found and empty table and opened the book. It was filled with notes like mine.

The handwriting looked extremely familiar also. Then it clicked.

It was my dad's handwriting. It looked so familiar because I had seen it my whole life. Not to mention that I had writing very similar to his.

Why would my dad's book be in the extras? Why did he not keep it?

I spent the whole free period copying my dad's notes into my own book.

I noticed when I was don't that in the very beginning of the book it said,

This Book is Property of the
Half-Blood Prince

I put the pieces together and knew it was my dad for sure.

He was half-blood and his mother's maiden name was Prince. He always loved her more because when his father, my grandfather, Tobias, figured out that they were a part of the wizarding world, he flipped and called them freaks and most likely abused them. My dad never talked about it so I only knew so much.

Those were the reasons that I had only met my grandmother once when I was six years old. I adored her and I wish that I could have seen her more often. We wrote letters back and forth in my second and third years but she stopped responding after a while and so I gave up. Even if we didn't speak, I was honored to have her name incorporated into mine.

Though, whenever my dad used it, I knew I was in trouble. You know the feeling when your parents use your full name. You know shit is going down.

After I had finished copying the notes, I shoved the book in my bag and headed for lunch.

The next day was Friday and I could not have been more excited.

My sixth year schedule was pretty laid back and I didn't have many classes a day. I only took the necessary classes to become a teacher of Potions, Transfiguration, or Defense Against the Dark Arts. If I needed to take the teacher route, I would but it wasn't in my immediate plans.

Beside classes, the only thing I was focusing on was Robert Cross and how the hell I was supposed to kill him. If there was another death in the school, they would know it was a student and then they would obviously suspect a Slytherin.

Then it hit me and all became clear. There was a Hogsmeade weekend the next weekend and it would be the perfect place. Draco would be giving Katie Bell the cursed necklace then put her under the Imperius Curse to give it to Dumbledore. Two hits in one. The plan was perfect.

The next chapter contains graphic death.

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