Chapter 14
Jane sat on the backyard porch, pondering what he had just heard. It all made sense really, the more he thought of it the more everything came together. But that was the problem, he didn't want it to make sense, it meant hurting Teresa even more. The back door opens and Teresa sits next to Jane. She just lets out a defeated sigh and Jane rests his hand on her leg.
"What happened?"
"I don't know, Matthew called and I said you were home again so he wants to come over. I don't know what's going on, he just sounded so guilty for some reason."
"Is he coming over?"
"Yes he'll be here in ten minutes."
Patrick kisses her cheek already mentally predicting what was about to go down. He didn't want Teresa to see or hear what was to come but Lisbon never really did what she was told.
"Teresa could you go to the store for me? We're all out of tea and I'm dying to have some."
She makes a face, "Why can't you get it yourself?"
"Because Matthew is coming to see me. I understand though, if you're tired from walking-"
"I'll get your tea."
She leans in for a kiss before getting up and walking with the help of her cane. Jane watches as she leaves and can't help but wonder if she'll be alright in the store. His thoughts go back to Matthew and it dawns on him what was really going on. There was still one thing though....why? Why do it? Just as Teresa predicted Matthew came ten minutes later after she left. He knocks on the front door until Jane opens it.
"Come in, come in.", Jane says, watching Matthew's every move. The young man grins at Jane, completely oblivious to what's going on. Both men make their way to the kitchen and sit at the table, sitting across from each other.
"You recovered!", Matthew says, "This is great!"
"Thank you, it's nice of you to have looked after Teresa all this's almost as if you don't have a job.", Lisbon's brother is about to object but Jane interjects, too angry to let this slide. , "You came with Adrian, sure the two of you disagreed on the murder but he got the pills from you.", Matthew stood in shocked silence only confirming Jane's theory. , "Teresa nearly died because of you."
"No it was Adrian! I tried to stop it-if I wanted her dead would I really save her life?"
"I have proof, you were the one who raised her life insurance. Don't lie to me, I have a witness."
That was when Matthew fell silent, he looked absolutely crushed. It was as if the realization of what he had done was to much for him to bear.
"I...I was broke." He confessed, "The hospital fired me and I got divorced. I don't know, when we were kids our dad forced us into poverty so I was used to it. But Teresa always brought us together, yes we were poor but we had each other and that was enough."
"I went to see her and I got jealous, I was just so angry. She had the perfect job, great friends, and was falling in love. It wasn't fair!"
"You mean to tell me you tried to kill her all because she had a life and you didn't!?"
"It wasn't that, I don't know what came over me. I guess I let Adrian talk me into it. I stole the pills from the hospital and raised her life insurance a couple of thousand dollars. But the day before we went through with it, I ran into her at a store. She was getting groceries for the event and when Teresa spotted me she was so happy. Completely unaware of what I was going to do. I don't know...I just couldn't do it. Not to Teresa."
"When you confronted Adrian, he stole the pills from you and did it himself."
Matthew lets out a defeated sigh, "I was planning to turn myself in after she fully recovered."
Jane gets up from the table, grabs the house phone, and sets it in front of Matthew.
"Now you listen to me.", Jane says angrily, "Either you leave and never come back, or you turn yourself in."
It's then that Matthew takes Jane by surprise. He takes the phone, dials 911, and in a calm voice says:
"I came to kill my sister."
أدب الهواةThey thought for sure she had just overslept but then Jane held her wrist to find her heartbeat slowly fading.