First day of my life

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April's POV:
"THIS IS THE FIRST DAY OF FOREVER!!" I shouted as we all entered Seattle Grace hospital now known as SeattleGrace-MercyWest. Me and my friends were the new residents joining the hospital staff after the merger. There's Charles, he's had a thing for our friend Reed for-like-ever. He's nice, most of the time, but he can be a MASSIVE ass at times. There's Reed. She was clueless to the fact that Charles likes her but then she twigged and now their a thing. She's a bitch but she's my best friend anyway. She's not that bad. There's Jackson. He's good looking and he flaunts it. He flirts with EVERYONE, except me. Now he, he's a giant ass. And then there's me. I'm April Kepner. I am strong. I am confident. Or at least I will try to be.
"Yeah yeah. The best day ever because we're finally here at the best hospital in Seattle with the best doctors and we can be great surgeons" Jackson said mocking me. So I punched him on the arm and he mocked hurt. "Ow I mean omg I will never recover and I will have to stop bein a surgeon" he cried
"Haha" I said
"Ooh more mergers okay the ginger one and the guy next to her are banging" I heard someone say
"Excuse me?" I said turning in their direction
"He doesn't mean anything by it just that you two are together" a brown haired girl said laughing "Meredith Grey" she said holding out her hand. I looked at it in disgust and said,
"Well we're not. We are not together and that, like many other things is an assumption that I personally find rude"
"Hey calm down you'd be lucky to bag a guy like him Alex was complimenting you" Meredith said
"WHAT?!" I shouted
"Okay April, let's go before you start a fight" Charles said trying to pull me away.
"What you think me and Jackson couldn't be together. You think he's out of my league. Well for your information I have been out with way hotter guys than him and-" I was interrupted as Jackson threw me over his shoulder and we walked away. I could hear them laughing at me and then Alex shouted after us. "YOU GOING TO BANG" I was about to respond but Jackson just shouted "SHE'S A VIRGIN!" Then I heard more laughing.
"You're an ass" I said to him
"I know" he responded
"Mmmmm" I mumbled. He put me down as we walked into the ER and whispered in my ear,
"By the way I'm not too hot for you to bang" and I hit him before he ran off to attend to a patient. The three people from earlier, Meredith, Alex and a black haired girl ran in, pushing past me. "HEY!" I cried. Alex turned around and looked at me with a smirk,
"Hey if you want a good first time give me a call" he winked at me then turned to Meredith who laughed and hit him.
"ASS" I called after him. I am strong. I am confident. I said to myself before rushing to attend to a patient.
"Hi, I'm Doctor Kepner. I know this may be scary for you but I promise we're going to do everything we can to help you." I said. Yep. This is the first day of forever. And it sucks.

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Title: First day of my life (Bright Eyes)

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