Death and all his friends

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Jackson's POV:
We've been here a month. One month. And just now I watched my friend die. And what's worse. I've been running around this hopsital for an hour, avoiding the danger, and I can't find April or Charles. Why did my friend die? What's the danger? Why am I looking for my friends? Let take it back to earlier today.

"Dr. Avery. This is Mr. Fineman. His wife has been on life support for the last 6 weeks after I performed surgery on her brain. There was no determined time at which the life support would be switched off prior to her being put on it. She if officially brain dead. What do you recommend we do." Dr. Shepard asked me.
"Uh- well if she is brain dead and she has been on life support for 6 weeks then I suggest turning the life support off." Her husband glared at me. Dr. Shepard nodded at me.
"I agree. I'm sorry sir but we have no other options. Dr. Avery can you please turn the machine off once Mr. Fineman has said goodbye to his wife" and he left the room. And so he said goodbye and I turned the machine off. He left the hospital. He was gone.
I went I the residents lounge and found April and Charles.
"My god" I said slumping down in the couch next to April
"What's up?" She asked
"I just had to turn off a woman's life support with her husband in the room"
"Ouch" Charles said
"I think he was crying " I said
"Aww poor you." April cooed givin me a small hug.
"Pizza!" Cristina called as her and Alex walked into the room with two large pizzas.
"Thank god I need this" I said
"Oh boo hoo you turned someone's life support off. You suck at being the new people. When we were the new people well interns we cut LVAD wires and put our hands in body cavities with bazukas in them and operated in an elevator." Cristina said
"Yeah we were awesome" Alex said
"I'd like to point out neither of you two did any of those things. Cristina slept with an attending and Alex gave George Siphilus" Me April and Charles all started laughing.
"Wow. I miss O'malley man" Alex said
"Yeah I'll bet you do" April mocked
"I INDIRECTLY gave him Siphilus. He caught it off a girl we were both sleeping with." And we laughed.
"Thanks for that Grey"
"Wait George was heart in an elevator and Mer was body cavity, who cut the LVAD wire." Charles asked.
"Izzie." Alex said
"Sounds pretty stupid to me. What kind of idiot does that!" Charles replied.
Mer and Cristina both looked at Alex carefully and Alex got up walked over to Charles and punched him.
"Woah!" I shouted and went and pulled Karev away."what the hell man"
"Who's Izzie?" I asked. Alex walked out.
"Izzie is Alex's wife." Mer said
"She walked out on him!" April spilled
"Ohhhh" Charles said "that explains my black eye" Mer just threw some ice at him and walked out
"You're an ass" April said
I thought that was going to be the most dramatic event of today. But maybe not. We heard a scream from outside. It was Meredith. We ran to where she was, she was stood in front of the elevator and looked inside. There was Karev. Laying on the floor. Shot.

"What happened?" I asked Meredith
" I don't know I saw a man get into that elevator." She said pointing at the next elevator. "Then I can to get in this one and Alex was here" she cried
"Okay we gotta get him into a -" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots on the floor below. We an to the edge and peered over. It was Mr. Fineman. He was the shooter.
"I'm going to check upstairs is okay" Charles said charging up the stairs.
"I'm going to find Derek" Meredith said and Cristina followed.
"OH MY GOD" we heard a voice behind us. Me and April turned around to see, Lexie and Mark stood in front of the elevator Alex was we told them what happened and then they took him to a trauma room. I told April I was going to find Reed and she said she would go help Meredith and Cristina.
"Don't die."
"You too."
And we parted ways. I walked into the fifth floor supply closet and there was Reed. Dying. Bleeding out.
"Jackson." She said and I walked to her. I tried to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working. She died. In my arms. One of my best friends died in my arms.

So now here I am. I'm running around the hospital like crazy. I run to the floor Charles said he was checking and look into one of the rooms to see Dr. Bailey and a patient sat in the floor. Dr. Bailey looked to be crying. I walked in and she jumped. "Bailey you okay"
"He was here. He came in and he shot Charles and I tried to save him but he shot him and now he's dead. He was looking for you and Derek. Run Jackson. Go and find Derek. NOW!"

So I started to run to Derek's office. I got to the bridge and saw Meredith being held back by Cristina. I walked up behind them and Cristina almost attacked me when I tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey it's just me" I said
"SHHHH!" She whispered at me and then pointed round the corner. I peered round to see Mr. Fineman pointing a gun at Shepard.
"Mr. Fineman." Derek said calmly, "I am so sorry for your loss but I am human. And humans make mistakes. It's in our nature. Now if you want to shoot me go ahead. But just know that if you do, you'll be making quite a few people, feel exactly the way you feel now. You want that on your shoulders?" He asked
"DR SHEPARD THERE IS A CRAZY SHOOTER!" April burst through the other doors. She startled Mr. Fineman and he shot Derek. Meredith was struggling and almost got away from Cristina so I grabbed hold of her instead since I was stronger.
"Please!" I heard April shout. "You can't shoot me. I'm April Kepner I'm 28 years old. My mom's name is Karen my dad's name is Joe and I have three sisters, Libby, Kimme and Alice. You can't shoot me I've barely lived, I'm still a freaking virgin. Please!" She started to cry.
"Run." He said quietly. She didn't move. "RUN!" He shouted at her and she ran away back through the doors. He rounded the corner and when we were sure he was gone I let Meredith go and she ran to Derek. He had been shot in the chest and was bleeding a lot.
"Cristina what are we gonna do?" I asked her
"We have to save him Jackson, pic him up carefully and take him and Meredith to OR2 then scrub in. We are going to operate on him." She said walking in the opposite direction to the ORs
"Yang where are you going"
"To get Kepner." She said walking through the doors.

And so I picked up Derek and took him and Meredith to the OR. I saw April already on the floor of the scrub room and Cristina had already scrubbed in, they must have gotten in the elevator. I took Derek into the OR and placed him on the table. I then went to scrub in. Cristina came into the scrub room and said to April, "don't let her look. If she looks I'll end up killing her husband, you are to keep her here, on the floor in this room clear." She said calmly. April nodded and we went in and started to operate.

That's when he came in. "Stop" he said to me and Cristina. "We can't." Cristina said. He had the gun held to Christina's he'd and I kept my head down, so he wouldn't be able to tell it was me. Then Hunt came into the room, followed by Meredith. I could see April in the scrub room looking through the window. "Stop" he says again.
"Dr. Yang. Dr Avery-"
"No-" I said. And then he shot me.

Meredith's POV:
The gunman shot Jackson. I heard April scream from inside the scrub room. She ran out and tried to go to Jackson. "Stay back" the gunman said
"Please." April begged "I cant save him but please let me go to him. Please" she cried. He nodded and she ran to Jacksons side. Cristina then spoke up.
"Okay please leave sir. I've stopped and in a couple seconds Derek will bleed out and die" he waited and then the monitor showed Derek flatlining.
"NOOOO" I cried. "No please no no no!" The gunman walked out and Cristina re-attached the montior.
"What." I said.
"He's not dead Mer." She said.
"He's not dead now shut up!"

April's POV:
"Meredith help me." I said trying to help Jackson sit up.
"What it's just a scratch." Jackson said clearly in pain
"Shut up. Meredith please help me"
She came over and we managed to stop the bleeding. Then hunt lifted him and we took him into the other OR. Mer and Hunt operated on him.
"I'm so happy your not dead." I said and we heard another gunshot from outside. We peered out and he had shot himself. He was laying in the floor dead. Owen and Mer saved Jackson and Cristina saved Derek. Lexie and Mark managed to save Alex too. But Charles and Reed had died. They were gone.

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Title: Death and all his friends (Coldplay)

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