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April's POV:
We got married 3 weeks later. It wasn't a big wedding or planned. We were just sat at home with Alex, Mark, Jo, Arizona and Lexie and we decided to. We also wanted to keep it a secret. People could find out eventually but for now it was our little secret.

Me, Jackson and Alex were sat in our living room waiting for Arizona to pick us up for work. We heard a knock at the door and we assumed Arizona was early as none of us had to be there or another hour. "I'll get it." I said, getting up from my perch in Jackson's lap and answering the door. "Hey Ar......" I trailed off as i saw who was at the door. I gulped and just stood there staring at her.
"Well are you going to let me in?" Catherine said
"Um-I- y-yeah come in." I stuttered. We walked through to the lounge.
"Baby!" Catherine said
"Hi mom....." He said cautiously
"Do you want to tell me why I wasn't invited to your wedding." She said bluntly
"Well it wasn't a planned thing. We just kinda did it. We didn't have time to call everyone up."
"Yeah I'm sorry Catherine we would have loved for you to be there." I said smiling.
"Sweetie, now you can call me mom." She said turning to hug me. She laughed and I gave a nervous chuckle.
"Right darling sit down we have things to discuss." She said and she sat down next to me and Jackson.
"Do I have to be here?" I heard Alex ask
"Well you can't leave until Arizona gets here, so kinda." I said and he groaned. Catherine ignored him and continued.
"Right, first things first. When are your family coming to see the newly weds. "
"Next week." I said nervously. Alex noticed and looked at me weirdly but the others didn't.
"Good. Good I want to meet them all."
"You want to- well- you see- why?" I asked
"Because we're all family now." She cried "right I have to dash, but I'll see you tomorrow evening and I'll take you both out for dinner bye now" she said getting up and leaving. I sighed with relief. Arizona came and we got to work. Jackson got paged by Mark. "Damn." He said "bye babe love you." He said checking the hall was empty and then pecking me on the lips,
"Love you too." I said watching him walk away. Then I grabbed Alex and Arizona and pulled them into the nearest on call room. "Crap. Crap, crap!" I cried
"What what what?" They said in unison.
"My family are coming to visit next week and Momma Avery wants to meet them."
"Oh apes don't worry I'm sure she'll play nice." Arizona comforted
"That's not the problem." I said
"Well then what's up?" Alex asked
"My family doesn't know that I didn't marry Matthew."
"WHAT!" They cried
"April you've been married to Jackson for two weeks, that's kinda plenty of time." Arizona said
"Avery is gonna be so pissed." Alex said
"You don't think I know that!" I cried "he's going to hate me, but I can't tell my family, my dad hates him and my sisters will start going on about how he could have been with one of them instead of me." I slumped down on the bed in despair.
"You've gotta tell Jackson before they get here." Arizona said sitting beside me and rubbing my back soothingly.
"He's going to hate me." I said and I started crying. I heard Alex groan and then felt him sit next to me.
"Okay Apes look. You're an idiot. You screwed up but it's all about how you fix it. Talk to Avery. And don't say he's gonna hate you cuz I spend most of my time around you two and I thinks it's safe to say that could never happen." He said
"Why does everyone say ur such and ass." I said leaning my head on his shoulder
"Cuz I'm only nice to certain people. My niceness extends to you two Mer, Cristina and Jo. Everyone else I am an ass to." He said giving me a small hug.
"Now get your ass out of here and go find Avery." He said pushing me up off the bed. I was about to walk out of the room when someone said "I recommend telling your family too before they get here, but it's your choice" I turned to Alex and Arizona but neither of them had said anything. Then I saw someone move on the top bunk and they sat up. It was Ben. "And congrats on your marriage. I'm assuming that's a secret, considering you seem to be the only people who know." He said
"Actually, Sloan, Lexie and Jo know too." I said and then left the room closely followed by Alex and Arizona.

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Title: Problem, Ariana Grande

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