It took me by surprise

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April's POV:
"Kepner wake up!" Alex shouted through the door. We were home. The results came out the night we got back. We all passed, but I didn't feel like celebrating. We'd been back a week now, and I still couldn't look at him. "KEPNER!" Alex shouted barging into my room.
"WHAT!" I shouted back
"Up now, breakfast is ready" he said walking out. I got up, got dressed and went downstairs. I sat down and started to eat my breakfast when Jackson came down.
"Hey you're here, as in, actually here sitting and eating, hey" Jackson said surprised but I ignored him, " how are you?" He tried again but I just got up and put my bowl in the sink turning my back on him. "Okay, I'll just go then...." he said downhearted
"What's going on?" Alex asked
"Oh come on April, you haven't spoken to him since the boards what happened?"
"We slept together" I admitted
"Hold on, not only did the Virgin Mary cash in her v card but she cashed it in with a guy who is very much taken"
"I know I screwed up okay"
"So what you're not talking to him cuz u feel guilty or what?"
"No it's not that."
"Then what happened?"


"Wow" I said and he looked over and smiled at me
"I feel bad..... about Lexie" he said guiltily
"Well that doesn't matter."
"It kinda does she's my girlfriend", he said starting to get dressed
"Well yeah but, well I thought that you would break up with her now because well you did just sleep with me" I said getting dressed
"What? April no, I, I can't dump Lexie, I, this was a mistake" he said
"Jackson, I was a virgin, you just took my virginity and now you're going to act like that's nothing! Get out!" I shouted at him
"No April I didn't mean it like that I'm so sorry-"

End of flashback

"Oh apes" Alex said
"Yeah well that's why I'm not talking to him" I said
"Don't worry about it just forget it ever happened" he said putting his bowl in the sink
"That's gonna be kinda hard to do" I said
"Alex." I said seriously and he turned and looked me in the eyes, "I'm pregnant."

Jackson's POV:
"Guess who." I said covering Lexie's eyes
"Ummm.... Mer?"
"What no." I said coming in front of her, "are you trying to subtly tell me I sound like a girl?"
"Shut up" she said kissing me, "I haven't seen April this morning." She commented
"Yeah she was at home"
"That's good right, first morning this week."
"Yeah except she still isn't talking to me."
"Do you know why yet?" She asked
"Nope" I said.
Of course I knew why, I screwed up, massively. I lost my best friend and I wasn't about to lose my girlfriend by telling her the truth.
"Maybe you can ask Alex" Lexie said, "you guys are friends right?"
"Yeah but even if he did know, him and April are so close, he'd never tell me"
"Bummer, oh well I'm sure she'll get over whatever it is, gotta run" she said running off
"I really doubt it" I mumbled to myself
"Hello, Dr. Avery?"
"Yeah?" I said turning to a group of people I'd never seen before
"We're your interns." The girl said
"Oh right, um okay. So I have rounds to do so you just, um come with me I guess, uh I'm gonna need to know your names actually so let's start with that" I stuttered due to the fact that I had seen April and Alex walk into the hospital, "one sec tho, KAREV!" I shouted and I saw him gesture for April to wait
"What Avery" he said running over.
"Can I talk to you, later, about April?" I asked
"No you lost the right to talk about her or to her." He said
"She told you?"
"Everything." He said walking off
"Crap" I muttered, "right okay names" I said turning back to my interns.
"Jo Wilson, Shane Ross, Heather Brooks" they all said in turn
"Awesome I will try to remember that" I joked, " and if I don't my girlfriend has a photographic memory so" I muttered to myself.

April's POV:
"What did he want?" I asked Alex when he came back from speaking to Jackson
"He wanted to talk about you I told him he lost that right"
"Oh, where are we going?" I asked
"Okay look you too that pregnancy test using a stick right?" He asked and I nodded, "well they sometimes come up with false positives so I thought we could do a blood test just to be sure"
"This is great and all but I don't want to get my hopes up. What if I really am pregnant Alex?"
"Okay well you won't tell Avery so we'll go, I'll come with you we'll just go to New York for 8 months when you start to show a baby bump so you can have the baby and shrink back down before we come back."
"Alex I can't ask you to do that. You have a life here I'll be fine on my own."
"What life, besides you I only have like one friend, and it's fine I need to take a look at Mount Sinai anyways, I can take  a short term internship."
"Thank you" I pulled him into a hug
"Right in here" he said pulling away and he pulled me into a room. He took a blood sample and sealed it up, "labs should be back by 6 pm, I'll put you down as Jane Doe" he said walking out.

DONT BE SILENT READERS! Tell me what you think.
Title~ It took me by Surprise, Maria Mena

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