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Jackson's POV:
"I can't believe you still haven't told them you aren't married to Matthew." I said to April as we were strung the house ready for her family. "I mean what did you just think they'd never visit."
"I was hoping." She responded "and they'll find out when they get here"
"I mean I even managed to tell my crazy mom and you can't tell your family what the hell April"
"You want the truth"
"Yeah that'd be great" I huffed
"My family don't like you"
"What of course they do."
"Okay fine, my parents don't like you and my sisters are in love with you. That's why I didn't tell them"
"What? Why don't your parents like me?"
"Because they always assumed you were going to try to sleep with me"
"I would like to take the time now to say I didn't persuade you into that you persuaded me into that"
"Yeah I know that but my parents aren't gonna see it that way when they find out." She said
"Do that have to find out about that part." He said
"They're gonna ask a bunch of questions it's bound to come out." She said "God can I not just call up Matthew and get him to pretend we got married"
"A. That's literally rubbing salt in the wound Apes I think we killed the guy enough. B. Not a chance I'd that happen anyway he does not get to put his hands on you. Only I get to do that." I said pulling her in for a kiss. Then we heard the door. We'd sent Alex and Arizona to pick them up from the airport. "We're here!" Alex shouted "any potentiomally distressing or inappropriate scenes should make a swift conclusion." He said then he opened the lounge door. "Okay it's safe" he said
"Love birds can't keep their hands o eachother eh?" Her dad said coming into the room followed by her mom and sisters. "Oh. April honey where's Matthew." He said glaring at me.
"Um- he's not here." She said
"Oh a working man eh. How nice" he kept his eyes on me and I realised and was stood very close to April I took a step back and he averted his gaze to April. "HEY JACKSON" her sisters shouted
"Hiii Girls......" I trailed of and I heard April huff. I put my hand on her shoulder and her dad looked at me again so I quickly removed it. Alex and Arizona were stood in the corner and they started laughing. "So what time is Matthew coming home?" Her dad asked
"Oh this is gonna be good" Alex said as him and Arizona started laughing uncontrollably
"Um- actually dad." She stammered "I didn't - um - I didn't marry Matthew."
"What!" He said
"I married someone else. They interrupted my wedding to Matthew and we ran off and got married." She gulped
"W-who!" He dad demanded
"Jackson." She whispered
"Jackson" she whispered again
"God girl speak up!" Her dad shouted
"Me!" I burst out "me it was me she's married to me" April looked at me in shock and anxiety. "I mean me. Sir." I said much more calmly. Alex and Arizona were laughing so hard that they had to leave the room because April kept glaring at them.
"I DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR APPROVAL I DIDNT EVEN ASK YOU TO COME!" She screamed before storming off to our room.
"Apes" I shouted after her, but Alex popped his head back in and said "we got it".
"You, what kind of man interrupts someone's wedding. Who do you think you are"
"Okay sir look I know it sounds bad. Awful in fact. But I love April, so much, and I would do anything to make her happy." I said
"Didn't you have a girlfriend when we last visited."
"Um yeah"
"Oh so you ruined two peoples lives that day this just keep getting better!" Her mom said "how could April not tell us"
"Okay look I know you're upset. Anyone would be. It's natural but you have to understand that. What April and I have. It's. It's special. I love her so much I can't even put it into words. And I only interrupted her wedding to Matthew because the sheer thought of her being with someone other than me made me want to throw up. So you guys can't make her leave me. I won't be able to handle it." I said
"Woah." Her sisters said. Her parents didn't say anything they just looke at me. I gulped.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable but that's the truth. I'm gonna go check on April." I left the room and walked upstairs. She was sat on our bed crying with Alex and Arizona either side of her. I walked over and crouched down in front of her. "Hey look at me." I said softly and she did. "Nothing they say is gonna change this. Nothing is gonna change us. This is it Apes. You and me. Forever." I said and she nodded and I kissed her. We heard the door slam and she cried more thinking her parents had left but then I heard Mark shout, "AVERY WHY ARE THERE STRANGERS IN YOUR LIVING ROOM!" I was about to answer but first April shouted,
"WHEN DID YOU GET A KEY!?" And looked at me
"I gave him one he likes to come here sometimes to get away from the madness of Callie and you." I said pointing to Arizona. "So I gave him a key" April and Arizona rolled theirs eyes. We all got up an went back downstairs to April's family. We heard Mark talking to them. "crap!" We all said.
"No way Avery isn't that type of person, if you don't like him that's you're problem." Mark said
"What's that?" I said coming into the room
"They asked if you'd ever cheat on April. I explained that your better than that." He said
"Thanks man." I said
"Don't mention it my boy. PLASTICS POSSE!" April sighed in exasperation as me and Mark high fived.
"AVERY. I still don't like you. But if you make April as happy as you and this strange man says you do, I think I can put my personal feeling aside"
"Good enough for me sir" I said happily.
"Right we're going to check into our hotel" he said and they started to walk towards the door. We all went to wave goodbye and once they were out the door April said "btw I lost my virginity to Jackson almost a year ago and I was pregnant but the baby died in a crash that that Matthew caused" and then slammed the door in their faces. "Man that felt good"

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Title: Family, Ed Sheeran

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