The Quest

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I woke up to the sound of clopping hooves.

Chase walked in with Chiron. He remained silent, his fists clenched.

I sat up and looked at them.

Jocee came in, keeping a sharp eye on Chase. "You wanted to speak to me?" said Chiron.

I looked at Chiron, "Hades is gonna try to attack the camp in two weeks..."

"What?" he said, shocked.

Chase growled quietly but otherwise, he remained silent.

"Hades is gonna use me to open a gateway into camp for his army."

Chiron thought for a moment. "How is he going to use you to open a gateway to camp?" he questioned.

"He's been controlling me."

"Oh dear, that's not good." he said, stroking his beard.

Chase huffed a harsh laugh, looking at Chiron and shaking his head.

Jocee elbowed Chase in the side. "What should we do Chiron?" she asked.

"I don't know, the only solution I can think of is getting Broox away from here." he said, glumly.

"No!" Chase growled at him. "We can't just walk out of the camp!"

"Isn't there another way?" asked Jocee.

"Well he won't tell what's wrong so I don't know what else to do." he said.

"Have you ever considered that he can't tell you what's wrong?!" Chase snarled.

"Well you could go talk to Hades himself, but hardly anybody's willing to do that. Especially if he's already plotting to attack us."

"If that's what it takes, I'll do it." Chase growled, glaring at Chiron.

"So you're willing to go on a quest to stop Hades?" Chiron said, clearly shocked.

"If that's what it takes, yes." Chase growled, standing up straighter.

"Alright, go to Rachel and get a prophecy."

A flash of shock passed across Chase's face but it disappeared just as fast as it had come. He growled and turned, walking toward the door. "Broox, you should get some more rest," said Chiron. "You'll need it."

I shook my head "I've rested enough."

Chase walked outside, slamming the door shut behind him.

I got out of bed and went after him.

I got outside and saw Chase storming toward The Big House.

I ran and caught up with him.

Chase didn't say anything to me. He just continued on, shoving past anyone that was in his way.

Jocee caught up with us, but said nothing. I realized that the people around were giving Jocee the death glare as if she was intruding.

Then I started glaring at anyone who glared at her, most of them backed away, I didn't enjoy doing that to people but I didn't want

people treating Jocee like that.

Chase growled at the people I glared at, causing them to back off even more. Out of nowhere, Chase clenched his fists and turned sharply to the left towards a group of kids who had a few bruises. They must be the kids who were sent to beat him up.

I quickly grabbed Chase's arm and glared at him.

Chase yanked his arm out of my grip and continued to storm toward the group of kids. As he neared them, their eyes grew wide with fear and they slowly began to back away.

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