Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            Clara. I jolted awake. Who said that? I looked around the room that’s only light was supplied by the moonlight. Nobody was in the room. Clara… is that my name? The word played over in my mind again and again. Was Clara my name? Was my memory slowly returning? Clara… my name is Clara. I smiled at the thought, I knew something about myself. I laid back down in my bed, and shut my eyes, allowing sleep to pull me into its embrace.


            “Ma’am? Ma’am?” I was awakened by one of the nurses gently shaking me awake. My eyelids lifted and I was shocked by how bright it was outside. I closed my eyes again, wanting more sleep.

            “Ma’am today is the day you get to leave and speak with the Queen.” she said, shaking me more violently this time. My eyes opened wide instantly with hearing that, and I sat up.

            “Really?” I asked, excited to finally get out of this room and explore.

            “Yes, you are supposed to be meeting a man today to take you to the Queen.” she replied as she walked across the room and grabbed some clothes off of the other bed in the room, “Change into this, then meet us downstairs in the lobby.” I nodded and took the clothes. As I changed, I noticed scars forming from my previous injuries. The bandages were all gone, since it has been nearly a week since I was put in this hospital. They had to put stitches on my head where the biggest and most serious injury was.   

            After I finished getting changed, I put on some brown boots with laces on them, the only shoes they gave me, they resembled military boots a little bit. I looked at myself in the mirror, and noticed my black long hair was an absolute disaster. I couldn’t meet with the queen like this. So I quickly put my hair in a braid to the side.

            I approved of my appearance, and then rushed out the door and down the stairs, to where I was told to meet the nurses.

            “You look nice.” one of the nurses said as I jumped down off the stairs.

            “Thank you.” I replied, smiling at the kind compliment.

            “Okay, ma’am you need to go just East of here, about a ten minute walk to the center of the town. A man named Theodore will be awaiting your arrival, and he will be taking you to the Center District to meet with the Queen. The Queen just wants to meet you, and see if she has any record of you. If not, well I’m not sure. The Queen is very kind, she won’t hurt you and don’t be nervous.” the nurse explained, handing me a small bag, “Oh and here’s your lunch, I took the liberty of making you a lunch, since the trip to the Center District is a few hours.”

            “Thanks, well I guess I’m on my way. Thanks for everything. I’ll come visit soon.” I said, opening the door with my one free hand. I waved goodbye and took a step outside. There were small wooden buildings everywhere, modest, made from raw, unpolished wood and woven branches that stood on a solid dirt foundation. The town gave off an earthy and clean, inviting smell. The warm aroma of freshly baked bread danced it’s way through the streets. I took a step onto the gravel paths, causing a soft crunch under my foot. People crowded the streets, with their horses or their wheelbarrows. I jumped out of the way when a man came walking by with his wheelbarrow, almost running over my foot. I looked around and took in my surroundings one last time before heading the direction the nurse had directed me to go.

            I listened to the voices of people speaking and the gravel crunching beneath my foot as I walked. Everyone seemed so happy here, I loved it. I wonder what my life was like before I lost all memories.

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