Chapter 14

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As we walked into the bakery, I could hear angered sobs, which clearly was Ariella. We walked through the door, into the same destroyed building. Ariella and Malachi had lost their only source of money, everything they had and everything they could earn in the future was completely gone. They had to start over from scratch, at this point they could lose their house if they don’t pay for it, they could lose everything.

I looked out the shattered glass window to see all the other buildings that were now destroyed or in the same condition as the bakery. People all throughout the town were suffering because of this rebellion. It all traced back to me… I wonder if the towns people know it was all my fault? If they do, it won’t be long until everyone is out to get me, just like they tried to kill the Queen.

“Ariella… please stop crying.” Malachi said, slowly walking up to her and sitting next to her on the ground. I slowly walked up to her as well, and took a seat on her other side on the ground. She couldn’t stop sobbing, and sniffling.

“It’s okay, Ariella… everything will be back to normal soon. I promise.” Malachi attempted to calm her.

“I’m sorry… Ariella. I’ll do everything in my power to fix it.” I said, rubbing her back attempting to calm her. She turned her head and looked at me for a moment with her glossy gray eyes that were filled with tears. Her eyes were puffy and blood shot, and her cheeks were soaked with tears. She looked into my eyes, before falling onto me and engulfing me in a hug.

“It is not your fault… Clara.” Ariella whispered, still hugging me. I hugged her back, this was I think the first time she has ever showed emotion, kindness to me. All this time I thought Ariella hated me for intruding her life, but all this time, I think she has enjoyed my company. I enjoyed her company too. Maybe she didn’t like me, until she almost lost me, until I almost lost her.

Ariella finally released from the hug, and sat back up, wiping her eyes. She smiled a little bit, attempting to be a little happy even though she couldn’t in a time like this.

“Do you want to go home?” Malachi asked kindly. Ariella answered with a simple nod. I stood up at the same time as Malachi. I extended my arm out towards Ariella who was still sitting on the ground, offering my hand for her to grab to pull herself up. She reached her arm up, and pulled herself up with ease.

“Come on.” I said, walking on Ariella’s side as Malachi lead the way. We walked through the paths, which were still quiet but there were people walking in the paths, inside the destroyed buildings looking at all the rubble. The town just had an eerie, depressing feel ever since the rebellion. I can see why everybody would feel depressed. It has never been so quiet before, in the town that I’ve known.

As we walked, I thought about the real world. I could remember streets, school, my family, my house. It was only slightly similar to the world I was in now. This world looked like they did in the times that I read about in history textbooks at school. Thinking over everything I remember… it could only mean that the real world was actually… real. Aria would never be able to think up all these lies, what the real world is like, and put them in a necklace that would give me all these memories by just putting it on. It would be far too difficult to think up all these things, and invent a necklace that could do such things. But then again, I did think up this world, I did invent everyone in it, and everything in it in my mind. But wait… If I thought up this world, that would mean that the real world is actually real. It would be much easier for me to think up the world I am in then it is for Aria to think up an advanced world, in technology, and everything and lie to me about it. I simply got the inspiration for this world from books, and history I heard about and read about, is what I’m assuming.

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