Chapter 10

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            The Queen’s bright blue eyes stared into my eyes. I stood frozen in the doorway, staring at the eyes that seemed to be made of ice. She wore a devilish grin as she scanned me up and down. I felt breath on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality. I saw from the corner of my eye that Malachi and Ariella were standing next to me, staring back at the Queen.

            The Queen was standing on the other side of the small room next to a window that overlooked the front of the castle, which was where the crowd currently was. Nobody else was in the room, just her, which surprised me. I expected her to have countless guards waiting for our arrival so that they could do away with us.

            “Iradessa.” Ariella said, glaring at the Queen.

            “Oh Ariella, Malachi, I see you came too. Aren’t you guys like the three musketeers now.” The Queen snickered, “What can I do for you three?”

            “You know why we’re here.” Malachi said, taking a step forward out of the doorway. Ariella and me took a step forward as well, standing behind me.

            “Are you mad that Clara is still alive? I wanted her dead too, but apparently she doesn’t want to die. I can kill her right now if you’d like.” The Queen chuckled at herself with everything she said.

            “Step down from the throne. Soon that crowd outside will bust down the gates and come and find you.” Malachi threatened.

            “Now why would I do that? They are never going to get through my gates. Have you seen how much the crowd has shrunk? My guards outnumber them now, and overpower them easily. You three will be punished for breaking into my castle!” The Queen suddenly yelled angrily, as a golden short sword materialized in the grasp of her hand. Her face turned cold, and angry as she began walking toward us with the sword in her hand, that was now glowing.

            I turned to Malachi, who was now pulling out a silver sword out of a sheath to his side. His sword looked nothing to what the Queen had in her grasp. Malachi started walking towards the Queen with his sword ready to fight. As he drew closer to her, he brought up his sword, holding it in both hands. He held it in a position that would easily allow him to strike or block in a moment’s notice.

            Ariella and me stood in shock, as they finally reached each other. They seemed so at ease, ready to attempt to kill each other. The Queen held up her sword and swung it forward towards Malachi. Malachi brought up his sword, to block it. The sword did not deflect the hit, as the Queen’s sword made impact with Malachi’s sword, his sword shattered, and the shards faded away as they flew through the air. Malachi stood empty handed, just as shocked as we all were. He slowly backed up, but the Queen brought up her sword preparing for another hit, this time no doubt injuring Malachi.

            I looked over, and saw Ariella running towards Malachi, as the Queen’s sword swung through the air, the world seemed to be going in slow motion. Ariella dove in front of Malachi, and brought him down to the ground. The Queen’s sword only made impact with Ariella’s cheek, leaving a large bloody slice. The Queen grunted, and turned looking at the pair that were now on the ground staring up at her as they prepared for their deaths.

            I tried to move as the Queen brought up her sword another time, but I couldn’t get my feet to move forward. I was in disbelief as I was about to lose the only people who I really knew well. The only people I really knew that didn’t try to kill me. I shut my eyes as I watched the sword swing down towards the pair. Instead of hearing a shriek, or a sword making impact with a living body, I heard metal against metal. I opened my eyes, and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A man wearing all dark clothes was standing in front of Ariella and Malachi, holding a bronze colored sword that was also glowing. His sword was placed deflecting the Queen’s sword. They were deflecting each other, pushing against each other. The man looked over at me, making eye contact. It was the purple eyed man that had released me from the troll camp’s prison. He pushed against the Queen, until she flew backwards. I blinked, and suddenly the man was gone and the Queen was on the floor. Malachi and Ariella sat in disbelief, in the same position they were at when the Queen was so close to killing them. I brought my eyes back on the Queen, who was now standing running towards me, and she was now only a few feet from me. I tried to turn and run down the stairs of the tower, but before I was able to turn I was in a headlock and the glowing sword was now pressed against my neck.

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