Chapter #7 - A Project With Adam

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"Brad...don't go, Who will I drink coffee with when the shift is over?" Emma complained and I laughed.

"Its only going to be a couple of weeks" I said.

"Promise..." She pouted and I grabbed her hand and ring around my pinky with her pinky.

"Promise" I said and she smiles.

"Ok...but text me or face time me!!" She says and I nodded. I grabbed my bag and went inside Brandon's car and he drove away. Boy, Emma was easy to tell to...if you were with me when I had to tell Derek...well...


"Your going to call me everyday, are you" Derek sobbed.

"Yes, I am"

"And your..*sniff*...your going to text me too..right" 

" let me go" 




"Who was that, your girlfriend?" Brandon asked.

"Yup" I said.

"Is she older than you or..." His words trailed off.

"She's the same age as me" I said and he nods.

--New York--

It took us a while to go to New York but we made it. It was night time though and the audition is going to be tomorrow. We stayed in a hotel and Brandon looks at me.

"Look, here's the script I got from the office, read those lines with me" He says and I grabbed the lines and we started.

--Emmett POV--

"Claude, Keith...lets go to a movie or something, all of this drama is making my head spin" I said.

"Lets go see that new movie.. Lights Out.. I heard its scary and its going to show it one last time today" Keith suggested.

"Sure...the treats are on me" Claude says.

"Thanks dude" Keith and I said until I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" I said and I grabbed her hand and she stood up. I looked at her and my eyes widened. Maya??? 

"Oh sorry" She says and leaves. I stared at her until she met up with her boyfriend.

"Are you okay Jess?" He says and they left talking about their day.

I sighed and Claude and Keith stared at me.

"Hello...Emmett?" Keith says and I looked at him.

"Sorry...I thought it was Maya" I said and we kept walking to the movies.

" lil' are you doing.." I said to myself and it was our turn for the tickets.

--Vanessa's POV--

"Vanessa, I need those graphs for our next meeting" David, our boss, told me.

"Right on it" I said and I grabbed the graphs and gave it to him. I was at work and it was cool. I didn't have to worry about being caught dating or in the scandal. It was like before I met Adam actually. I was so focused on work that I started to become a professional. Everything was going well until David called me into his office.

"Yes sir?" I asked and Adam was there too. It was awkward.

"Good, both of you are here, I need you two to work on our next project for our 20th anniversary. We need a concept that can sweep all the companies. We are currently the number 1 company and we can't lose to the Ribbon company." He says and hands us papers and hot trends with fashion magazines.

"Do your best you two" He says and he pushed us out.

Adam and I looked at each other and it was awkward.

"How about this, you can come to my office and we'll work on it together" He says and grabs my hand but I let go of it.

"I'll follow" I said and he nods. I followed him to his office and he sets down the papers.

"We need a dark of beauty concept, since light colors have been appealing last year. Dark colors can be beautiful too but we need a dash of light. Its like a firefly, they shine bright in the darkness." Adam says and continues.

(Love the book Firefly btw, check it out! A/N) 

"Here, we need to highlight these words and add sticky notes to add into our information" 

"I don't agree though, I think we need an a light color mixed with more brighter colors" I said.

"Just trust me" Adam says.

"But how if you slept with Miracle and never told me about it" I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing" I said and both of us decided to do his idea. I kinda had a little fun with the project. Adam and I started talking about how were doing these days. I told him about Scott scandal and he knew but its just that he met Chloe Angelina in person. 

"Yeah, she sounded a lot like Amelia to be honest" He said and I giggled.

"Really?" I replied and he nodded.

We kept talking until it turned into night. Our co-workers left and both of us were left alone. David left and it was just the two of us. 

"You know..I kinda miss this" Adam says.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I miss talking to you, cooking with you, dating you..." His words trailed off and it went silent.

"I miss talking to you too" I said and I checked the time. Oh crap, its late!

"I gotta go, I am supposed to be home" I said and grabbed my bag and grabbed the papers with me. 

I was about to leave the office until I felt Adam grabbed my wrist and spun me around. I dropped my papers and my bag. I felt Adam embracing me.

"I can't take this anymore...when can I call you mine again....I want to be able to hold you again like before..." He whispers and he cups my face. His was getting closer to mine until...



I backed up and grabbed my bag and the papers. I opened my bag to search my phone and I answered the phone call.



"OH! I'll be right there" I said and ran out of the office without saying goodbye.

--Scotts POV--

I walked inside of Lint Company to visit Vanessa. I was excited to see her but it was late. I walked into her office and I didn't see her. I should see Adam. I said to myself. I walked out of Vanessa's office and I was in front of Adam's office and when I was about to knock on the door. I see, in the glass window. Adam grabbing Vanessa's wrist and spinning her around. Embracing her. My heart dropped into a million pieces. I see his face getting closer to her. My body automatically moved and I grabbed out my phone and called Vanessa and went somewhere to hide.


"Vanessa!! I don't feel good!!! I think the cold isn't gone yet...I think i'm going to faint" I said.

"OH! I'll be right there!!" She says and hangs up the call and storms out of Adam's office.

I see Adam being sad and kept working on the magazines. I couldn't help but feel bad for him...what kind of friend am I..

"I'm sorry Adam...but I can't let go of something I want badly...if I do...i'll lose it for good" I said and walked away.

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