Chapter #10 - Would You Love Me The Same?

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--Brad's POV--

We made it back to the apartment complex. Emma and I are officially dating, I was happy. Anyways, When I made it back to the apartment, Derek explained me the situation Scott, Adam, and Vanessa were in. 

"He said that, if the DNA result says that Adam is not the father, Scott would let go of Vanessa but if the DNA says Adam IS the father...Scott is to ask Vanessa if they can be girlfriend and boyfriend. He also said that he is never going to let her go." Derek explained

"Oh man....this is to much!" I sighed.

"I kinda wish for all of this to be over..." I confessed and Derek nodded.

"Everyone wants this to be over" Derek confessed.

"I wanna know what the DNA say..." Brad replied.

--Vanessa's POV--

"Ouch!" I whispered and Adam came to me. We were back working on the project. Were almost done and we need it finished.

"Whats wrong?" Adam asked.

"Paper cut" I mumbled and he laughed. He left the room. He came back with a bandaid and a little bottle. He grabbed my finger and pour the bottle on my finger. He blows the water to dry away. He placed a bandaid on my finger. As I am seeing this..this remind me of the our date. When I was excited about our date, I accidentally burned my hands without my cooking mitts. My heart beats every time I see Adam....what should I do....Maybe my friends are right, I'll give it another shot.

"Adam....lets start over" I said and he looks at me.

"Lets start go on a date my house" I said. He smiles.

"Sure, lets start over"


We finished our 5th document on our project. We left the building together and I waved Adam goodbye.

"I'll leave first" I said and he nods.

"I'll see you later" He says and I waved goodbye.

I gotten in my car and drove back home.

I felt uneasy. I wanted to sleep. I started to doze off...

--Scott's POV--

Why isn't she picking up her phone? I asked myself and sighed. I was in the grocery store picking out vegetables. I am making my first appearance on Our Light tomorrow. My schedule will be difficult to see Vanessa everyday. As I was picking the vegetables. There was a mini TV playing in the store. And my eyes widen when I heard...

A woman in her early 20's has been in a car accident. She has short brown hair and she works at Lint Company. and etc.

I felt my heart shouting and I ran out of the store and went inside my car. It was pouring hard rain outside. I drove over the speeding limit to the crash sight.

--Adam's POV--

I heard the news earlier, I went inside my car and drove over my speeding limit. I wish I could replace Vanessa and I. This is all my fault. I should've told Vanessa back at the vacation sight. Why did I act like a fool and just let her go easily? Why didn't I fight back....I should've hold on to her tight! I stepped onto the pedal and I drove faster. I saw the crash sight. It was full of police officers and fire fighters. I get out of the car and ran to the crash sight.

"Where is she" I said and the police officer looked at me.

"Who are you?"

"You think thats important!" I shouted.

"Where...Where is she!!" I screamed until...


I turn around and I saw Vanessa under the umbrella. I ran up to her and hugged her. The umbrella fell off her hands. I was soaked and she was soaked too. Both of us were under the rain. I let go of her and looked at her.

"Why didn't you call me! Why didn't you check your car! Are you okay!?" Adam screamed.

"I was I pulled over...But are you okay? How did you know I was here? Are you alright Adam?...where's my umbrella!" Vanessa says and grabs the umbrella. She covered us under the umbrella.

"Are you okay?" She asked again.

"I didn't know..."

"What?" She says.

"I...didn't know it was raining.

--Scotts POV--

I was under the rain. I was getting soaked by the rain. I stared at Vanessa and Adam under the umbrella, they were looking at each other. I sighed and turn around. My arm was bleeding, I accidentally hit the tree on my way here. I was so focused on Vanessa that I hit a dumb am I. My arm was bleeding and I felt the pain...but the most heart I my heart breaking in a million pieces. I decided to walk back home and leave those two alone. Its best that I don't interfere. 

--2 Weeks After The Incident--

"Messy!!" I screamed and she looked at me.

"What!!" She screamed back.

She visited my apartment because she needed to borrow something.

"Make me food" I whined and she shook her head.


I looked at Vanessa and I can't help but stare at her. My heart thumps faster then ever. I can't help but just smile at her.

"Vanessa...I need to tell you something" I said and she looks at me.

I may regret this later...maybe sooner then expected. I look into her eyes and sighed.

"You know...when I first saw you...I..I saw you as my little sister, You are my dongsaeng...I always tell myself that everyday. I wanted you to understand that...having a brother like for you because I annoy you a lot. I want to tell you something...I'm not crazy...and..I'm not lying." I said and she nods.

"Vanessa....I...I have feelings for you, I love you...would you love me the same?"

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