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Thank you for reading! I enjoyed writing this story so much that I had a hard time ending it. I truly appreciate all of the reads, comments, and votes that you have given Amorem Animalem.

I hope to continue to write stories on here and I hope that you look forward to reading them! I am always up to read new stories myself, so if you have any books that you would like to share with me, please comment and I will read them.

Be sure to read my other X-File stories:

A work in progress called Quantico: An X File's Origin.

Another work in progress called The Ending They Deserved which is about Mulder, Scully, and William living a happily ever after (AU)

Once again, thank you.

The Truth is Out There
Xoxo, Scullers

Amorem AnimalemDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora