Sneak Peek

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Here is a little sneak peek of Amorem Animalem's sister book Insomnia Mortis. This book will be written with more of a paranormal slant. It will be dealing with hauntings, poltergeists, and ghosts. Just in time for Halloween! It will be a little different from Amorem Animalem but very similar in the aspect of the MSR appeal and our favorite duo doing what they love: solving the unsolvable. I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek and I can't wait to publish Insomnia Mortis. Enjoy!

Xoxo Scullers

"Now, Penelope," Dana Scully began

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"Now, Penelope," Dana Scully began.

"Call me Penny, please." The little girl said with her brown eyes locked on the ground. Her face was pale with anxiety and shyness.

"Penny, you don't need to be afraid of me. I am just here to help you." Scully said as she placed a gentle hand on the little girl's tiny shoulder. The girl flinched and Scully removed her touch.

"That's what the spirits tell me," she whispered, "But they don't help. They just make it all worse.'

Dana stared at the frightened child and watched as a tear slid out of her eye and down her cheek. Penny's eyes were red and the skin surrounding them was purple with fatigue. It had been days since the poor girl had slept.

"Penny, you must believe me sweetheart," Dana said as she held her cross necklace between to fingers. "I am here to help you. To make these bad voices and feelings go away. My partner and I have helped tons of people all over the country with their ghost and monster problems. We can help you. I know it."

"Really?" Penny said with a sniffle as she wiped her small nose with the back of her hand.

"Yes. I promise."

"Then can you make him go away?" Penny asked.

"Who, Penny?" Dana inquired with a raised brow. The two sat alone in the young girls bedroom. No one was in there except them.

"Him." Penny whispered as she pointed towards the corner of the room. Dana's eyes slowly moved to look at where she was pointing. Nothing stood there except a lamp.

"I don't see anyone, Penny." Scully told her with a nervous voice. Although she could not see anything, she felt as if she were being watched. The very feeling that you get when you wake up at two in the morning and don't know why. You just know that someone is watching you. You can feel it in your stomach. You can feel it as you try not to breath. It is there. It is very much there.

The little girl continued to stare at the wall and Dana continued to hold her breath. "Penny, I don't see anyone." Scully repeated.

"He can see you, though." She said quietly.

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