Side By Side

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FBI Headquarters
Washington DC
August 5th
1:32 PM

Agent Scully's Field Journal

August fifth, 1997

Our investigation of case 0298 has come to a close. The eight victim's deaths were all acts of raging passion, of true love.

Perhaps Shakespeare was correct when he said "These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder."
Love is the most potent drug that there is. It consumes one's soul and compels them to do the unspeakable, the unexplainable.

The eight victim's souls can rest easy as their apothecary has been imprisoned due to possession of illegal drugs, administering them to an unsuspecting public, and the responsibility for the eight deaths and two injuries.

As for Oscar Yentz, his psychic occupational license has been revoked and his business closed in suspicion of fraud and involvement with Robert Thurston. His trial will be held within the next three weeks, marking him guilty or not.

The reason that these people were chosen by fate, by the creator's hand still remains a mystery. Surely, there are hundreds of forlorn lovers in the world. We may never know why these souls were plagued the way they were. Perhaps one day my partner, Agent Fox Mulder and I will be granted the knowledge to understand such a mysterious case, but until then, case 0298 will remain an X-File.

"Hey, Scully, how's the work coming along?" A cheerful Mulder grinned as he walked into the dreary basement office. His hands full with stacks of papers.

Scully sat at her computer, her legs crossed beneath the desk they shared. He noticed how lovely she looked in her black blazer and matching skirt. A crimson red blouse peeked through her jacket, a color that Mulder adored on Scully.

"Well, you certainly wouldn't know," she grinned as she hit "save" on her computer, "Say, Mulder, where have you been all day and what's with all the papers?"

The tall agent closed the door behind him, and took a seat in his boring wooden chair, Scully practically stole his swivel chair, but that's  a story for another time. "Skinner gave us a new case." He smiled.

"Geez, Mulder. I don't know if I'm ready for another case. I mean, we just got out of the hospital two days ago." Scully complained as she spun halfway around in her chair. She watched as her partner's face turned sour, watching her gleefully spin in his chair. This amused Scully greatly.

"And I get that, I do, but hear me out on this one." He said with his hands above his head.

"I'm listening." She teased.

"Get this," he said with pure enthusiasm,"giant, man-eating grasshoppers in Miles City, Montana." He was practically beaming.

"Ugh, Mulder that's both frightening and disgusting." Scully protested. Mulder playfully rolled his eyes, he knew that would be her exact reaction.

"C'mon Scully, a wide open sky, fresh air, a little cow manure, it'll do ya some good." He insisted.

"Don't forget the giant grasshoppers." She interjected.

"I would never." He said as he thumbed through the stack of papers, looking for a photograph, a testimonial, something to show Scully about their new case.

"What? No slide show?" She chuckled.

"I haven't gotten that far." he laughed

"You're slacking, Mulder."

He found the picture he had been searching for: An old man stood in a barren field, holding a shotgun in one hand and a grasshopper the size of a small child in the other. "So, are you in?" He asked as he slid the photograph across the desk.

Scully picked up the picture, analyzed it and tapped her chin as if she were deep in thought. She toyed with him, knowing that her skepticism and stubborn ways thrilled him. His puppy eyes were large and full of persuasion, one of the many traits that she loved about him. How could she say no to such a face?

It was time for a new adventure, she thought. They both knew that The X-Files would never slow down. As long as there were crimes to be solved, ghosts to be hunted, aliens to believe in, victims to bring to justice, and new horizons to explore, Mulder and Scully would stand side by side.

With a wide, pink smile Scully replied, "Mulder, I will always be 'in'."

And she kept her promise.

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