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Groose and Zelda flew low, as close to the tops of the trees as they could manage, and had been alone for a couple of hours. The trees slowed them down, but that was okay. Zelda had requested it, since they had discovered a rather large field that was filled with trees, animals, and small lakes and streams a couple of days before, and she wanted to see the lush greenery and animals. "Hyrule Field," she decided to call it, as she knew that at one point in time it had been under Hylia's reign. They were flying a few feet above the trees, enough to avoid scaring the loftwings. Karane and Stritch had flown ahead after asking if they could do so.

So all had been silent, everyone lost in their own thoughts and fears or sleeping, the wind whipping past their ears. The field stretched out before them, offering endless possibilities.
Then she noticed a crater, about the size of the Lumpy Pumpkin's island. She flew closer, curious since she had never really been able to  explore anything while on her quest to realize she was Hylia, and also because she sensed something there. Groose noticed and followed after her, his brows furrowed. Once she found herself gliding over it, she saw a hole in the rocky side of the bottomless chasm, a cave.

"Wait! Groose!" Zelda called out, looking over to Groose, who seemed to snap out of a trance when he heard his wife say his name.

"Huh? What is it, Zelda?"

She pointed down at the chasm. "There's a cave down there. I wanna see what's in it."

Groose frowned, adjusting his grip on Ni, who slept in his arms. He his golden yellow eyes were trained on the mouth of the cave and he frowned. "It's gonna be dark soon. We should find somewhere to sit for a while. And besides, there's probably spiders down there."

"I'll be quick," Zelda said, turning to face him. "I just...want to see if there's anything in there."

"If anything's down there it'll probably want to kill you," Groose said, his frown deepening. That place was giving him a bad feeling. Zelda guided her loftwing into a sharp U-turn. Groose stared wide-eyed as she dropped out of sight. She slowed as she approached the mouth of the cave near the bottom, Her Loftwing's talons gently touched the rocky floor at the large entrance.

"Stay here," Zelda told her loftwing as she turned to the pitch black darkness of the cave. Sucking in a breath and feeling around her waist for her daggers, she slowly began to walk deeper, a hand held out to feel her. Once she got so far, she stopped, certain she heard the sound of movement. A single hand rested on her belt of daggers hidden by the cloth tied around her waist. She was simply waiting for that bad thing that she had been expecting to happen. She could feel it, almost so close that she could touch it.

"Spirit maiden," a voice said in a low whisper, practically acting as the definition of threatening. She recognized it almost immediately; it was difficult to forget after what he did to her. Her breath hitched as she took a step back, her hand sliding under her shirt and gripping the cold, wooden handle of one of her daggers. The shing of a sword sliding against rock only made her heart beat faster.

"You," she responded, not quite certain she knew his name. The only time she'd seen him in person was just after she woke up from her several-thousand-year sleep. No one had mentioned his name, and Zelda never asked about him. Now she wished she had. I'm going to die.

"How did you find me?" The sword clacked as it lightly smacked against metal, the sound reverberating throughout the cave. "I thought you humans didn't know about the field."

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