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In the distance, crumbling statues of various figures, not excluding Hylia and Lanayru, rose above the horizon, seemingly surrounding the Triforce. Dried and dead grass crunched under Epona's hooves as she went on, the sun beating down on her rider's back. Soon the food Link had packed was going to come into use.

Once the grass began to turn into sand and the temperature seemed to rise to impossible levels, Link dismounted Epona, as much as he would have liked to continue with her. He gave the horse a pat on the nose and an apple before he went to work on taking the saddle off. Once it was off, he tossed it to the side, where it would more than likely be forgotten.

"Go along, girl," Link said in a gentle voice as he stepped away from the horse. She snorted in protest but did indeed step away. He felt that empty feeling invade his mind and soul again, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. The Loftwing may never return anyway.

He sighed and turned to put his back to Epona, then began the long walk into the desert. Maybe it was safer for the horse, considering who Link was and what he did. Being the chosen hero, he knew that, more than likely, everyone he knew and loved was going to be in danger at some point.

Glancing behind him occasionally, Link continued walking despite the stinging blisters on his feet that begged him to stop. It was quiet; no monsters had shown their faces since Link had agreed to be Ghirahim's master. They could have been scared into hiding.

Or they could be planning something.

"Master," came Ghirahims voice, quiet. Nonetheless, Link jumped and turned his head to look at the handle of the sword.

"Don't call me that," Link said. "Just call me by my name or something."

"Huh. Thought you would like it, but I can see why you wouldn't." The blade flashed as the orange light shot out of it, stopping in front of Link and changing into Ghirahim. Link stopped walking, looking up at him. "Might I ask you what's got you afraid?" Ghirahim asked.

"You can sense that?" Link blurted.

"Yes, I can sense emotions like Fi. Now answer my question."

Oh, this can't be good. Link knew Ghirahim was supposed to be his weapon now and that he would more than likely find out eventually, but there were still things he wanted to keep from him.

Like the fact that he'd thought Ghirahim was quite attractive. No, someone else could give him the satisfaction that came with hearing that.

In truth, he'd thought that the moment he'd laid his eyes on the demon lord. Thoughts like that eventually lead him to wonder what Ghirahim would have been like if they weren't enemies. If they hadn't, as the demon had said it, been destined to kill each other, what would have Ghirahim been like?

Link supposed his question was being answered this very moment.

"No reason," Link answered in a rushed voice as he quickly stepped around Ghirahim. A few moments later, he heard heavy footsteps as Ghirahim caught up with him.

"Is it concerning me?" the demon asked.

Link fell silent, staring ahead. What if he sounded dumb? Beside him, Ghirahim was scowling with hands curled into fists.

"I'm supposed to be your servant. Not one of your fears."

"It's not you. I somewhat trust you."

Ghirahim was silent for a full minute."Then what is it?"

Link sighed and ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair. He was going to have to cut it soon. "The monsters...we haven't been attacked since I agreed to the whole thing with the sword. I don't like it."

Destined to Fight (GhiraLink)Where stories live. Discover now