Light Force

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Loria grinned as she leaned on a tall axe, using it as a support. Her glaring red eyes burned into Link's, and the hatred within them made him shiver.

"So, hero... Wait, isn't your name Link? Yes, yes it is. I remember Zelda was screaming it in her final moment, begging, praying to the Golden Three that you would come and help them. I see you thought coming in your pajamas was a good idea."

Link stiffened at her words. He didn't notice her comment on what he wore. He was too focused on what she said about Zelda; desperately, he tried pushing the mental images that sprang from her words out of his mind. They would only distract him, wouldn't they? Still, the horrid images of Zelda screaming in agony threatened to push him to tears.

But he couldn't cry. He couldn't let her see what she was doing to him. He couldn't let her see that, really, he just wanted to hide somewhere and cry. At the moment, it seemed pointless to remain in this world.

But he had to keep going, if not for himself, but for everyone else. He was to be a tool that Hylia could use to save her people in their time of need, and if he didn't have any other reason to live, he had that.

But right now, there was also Ghirahim.

Said person summoned his rapier, although he was fully aware that it would never be able to kill Loria. "You're fucked up," he seethed, his teeth clenched.

"Oh? I'm fucked up? I don't believe that's the case." Loria was calm as she removed her weight off the axe. However, her movements betrayed her; she had a slight limp as she moved, and for a brief second both of the men could see her face contort with pain. She was still injured. "No, what's fucked up is that you're a demon, yet you still serve a descendant of the goddess--the very hero you were supposed to kill. And now, you aren't even a demon anymore. Your being radiates the cursed light." She spat in Ghirahim's direction. "If that isn't fucked up, I don't know what is."

Ghirahim grimaced, only held back from rushing towards her in a blind rage by Link's grip on his hand. No one disrespected him in such a way. Not Demise, not Link, no one!

For a moment, Loria was still and silent, gazing at him with watchful eyes. Perhaps she was surprised that Ghirahim didn't simply rush toward her like a madman.Then she took a step towards the two. Link slid his sword out of the sheath, taking note that it had a slight, surreal glow in the darkness. He glared furiously at her; as Ghirahim had hoped, her words had only made him even more angry. Loria would pay for what she did to Zelda, Groose, and everyone else.

Loria clutched the axe, gazing at them with a careful expression as she slowly raised it.

"You act as if you're going to kill us," Ghirahim sneered.

He didn't even finish his sentence before Loria lunged at them. It was not humanly possible to counter or dodge her movements, and even then, for Link to block it would require luck. Swiftly, gracefully, she lunged towards them, the blood lust controlling her mind as it had often controlled Ghirahim's. Link only saw her as a blur, but Ghirahim watched her almost as if she was in slow motion; he could see her legs as they carried her towards them, he could see the way she yanked her axe up, how she almost seemed to be sliding across the ground. He swiftly moved in front of Link, who stared as if he wasn't even aware that she was moving, much less that he needed to get out of the way, and held up his sword. The blade shattered under the full force of the attack, leaving diamonds to scatter and vanish into thin air. Ghirahim stumbled back, falling on top of Link.

Link let out a choked cry as Ghirahim landed on top of him. For a moment, he was convinced that his weight had crushed a rib or two, but thankfully as Ghirahim quickly rolled off, the pain subsided.

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