Nayru's Flame

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Out of the one hundred and seventeen people that had been within Lanayru Mining Facility, five had come out unharmed, fifty had been killed, fifty one were injured, and one, Ni, was missing. Mal walked among the injured, healing those he could while a group of Sheikah went out to search for the toddler by request. By the time most were nursed back into health, Link was out of red potion (as Mal had borrowed it) and Mal was exhausted.

Based on survivors' accounts, around midnight five days before (Link guessed that it was the same time those masked dead monster-people attacked them), the people by the entrance, the mages maintaining the facility's disguise and the first line of defense, started screaming and yelling that they were being attacked by monsters. The monsters were strange and unfamiliar, but some claimed that they had seen deceased relatives and friends among them. These monsters were relentless, strangling and sometimes ripping their victims apart. Bokoblins were among them, screaming and probably leading them, but that was the only thing they could recognize. A few saw fire-breathing, giant lizards that scurried around on four legs, scorching everything they could see, swift, fox-like creatures that shoved their blades inside a person before they could scream, and flying, yellow creatures that electrocuted their victims.

By nightfall, everyone had scattered, finding their own shelters. No one felt safe in the facility anymore, especially not the survivors of that massacre.

Zelda walked among them, looking for Ni, although based on the amount of bokoblin camps she had come across, the girl was either dead or had been captured. The moon cast a gentle blue light on the sand, making the night appear peaceful. However, everyone knew better.

She eventually came across Link and Ghirahim on the top of the facility.

Link lay at an odd angle, with his head laying on Ghirahim's shoulder. Ghirahim had an arm half-heartedly thrown over the hero's shoulder, his hand on Link's arm. Both appeared to be asleep, silent as their chests rose and fell.

She almost smiled for the first time that night, knowing that there wasn't even a chance of admitting they had slept like this. Maybe she'd been right in sending Ghirahim to Link's house.

As she turned and began to walk back towards Groose, who had found a spot by the storage facility, Ghirahim shifted, and his nonexistent brows creased.


Come to me.

Ghirahim frowned as the voice whispered in his head, soft and gentle. He was well aware that he was asleep; he was supposed to be seeing nothing but blackness and hearing nothing. Yet, here he was, gazing into glowing crimson eyes and listening to the artificial softness of this voice. He tried to wake up and break free of this ingenuine voice, but the demon invading his mind had a tight hold on it and didn't plan on letting go.

Don't try to resist. I can kill you easily.

Leave, Ghirahim thought, an attempt to speak back. He wasn't familiar with telepathy; he never needed it. The bokoblins usually could tell what he wanted by a simple drawing or gesture and a glare, and the lesser creatures just had to be put into their places and they'd attack everything in sight.

The intruder heard. Ghirahim, we're both demons. I can save you, not that boy.

Ghirahim faltered, only for a moment. Could they have been telling the truth? But by listening to this demon, he would be betraying Link. He couldn't do that, not after earning the man's respect. Leave, he repeated.

Demise entrusted you to me, Ghirahim. Not to the human boy that killed him.

This made the anger rise in Ghirahim's chest. I'll never serve another like Demise, was his furious reply.

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