Trial of Blood

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The three miserable weeks it took to reach the place Ghirahim had suggested were only made better by the reappearance of Epona.

Just before Link went to bed each night, he hummed a slow and simple yet upbeat tune, often humming it until he unknowingly slipped to sleep. It served as almost a comfort, something to ease his fears of being attacked in the dead of night.

One of those nights, Link had been humming as usual, already falling aleep, when he heard the sound of hooves approaching. When he turned his head, the mare was standing a few feet away, calm, still, and not at all resembling the wild horse she was. The next morning, Link had plenty of explaining to do, especially to Ghirahim, who'd been asleep at the time and couldn't begin to guess how he'd gotten her back.

Since then, she had really begun to remind Link of his missing Loftwing. It was a comforting feeling.

As for Ghirahim, the demon that had pestered him in his sleep didn't bother him again. However, the silence wasn't comforting; there was always the chance that she had been right, that he really did have no choice, and that he would wind up being forced to run off with her.

After twenty-three days straight of walking, Ghirahim finally said, "We're here."

It was noon. The sun was overhead but storm clouds blocked out its light, threatening them with thunder and flashes of lightning. Before them empty, grassy field that stretched for miles and miles without end. There weren't even any trees.

"I don't see anything," Zelda said as she looked around. "Are you sure we're here?"

Link and Ghirahim both exchanged glances, both of them grinning. They knew that it was just an illusion like the one in Faron Woods.

"Stick a hand out," Ghirahim said. "If you can't feel it, then walk around until you can."

Zelda frowned, then reluctantly held out her hand. Feeling nothing but a gentle breeze, she walked forward a few steps then stopped. Still nothing. Was this some sort of sick prank?

She glanced at the others. Link and Ghirahim stood beside eachother, unsmiling. The others watched with genuine interest, wondering what Ghirahim was talking about. It was no joke.

Zelda bit her lip, then took a step forward.

This time, an invisible wall shimmered, and the field rippled as the area around her hand began to glow. Gasping, Zelda yanked her hand away, surprised by the cool, watery texture of the wall. In its place was Hylia's symbol: the Crimson Loftwing.

Suddenly, as if Zelda had stepped into another world, the vast field and trees gave way to a large room within an even larger palace. Sunlight poured through the tall windows that allowed a brilliant view of Lanayru Mining Facility, Eldin Volcano, and the Faron Province. On each side of the red carpet leading to the throne where Hylia stood were various tapestries, each one depicting the events that took place when the Golden Goddesses first came into this realm and created the Triforce. Hylia, being one of the lesser goddesses that was charged with the duty of enforcing Nayru's law as a queen and protecting its Triforce, was featured on none of these.

Bowing before her was a woman whose name she remembered was Loria. Loria was short and rather muscular, with brown hair that fell over her shoulders and back. At the moment, she wore a heavy suit of armor that featured the Sheikah Emblem, but with no tear falling from the eye.

"It is truly an honor to be here, Your Grace."

Hylia/Zelda nodded as she clasped her hands. "Perhaps, but that is not important right now. Please stand."

Loria did as she was told, standing with her shoulders broad and her chest puffed out, like any man would. Her red eyes glimmered in the sunlight. Hylia smiled, but only for a few seconds. Then that gave way to a stoic expression.

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