Rusty Blade

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​​​​​​​"How is she?" a female voice asked.

Where am I?

"She healing nicely," said a male voice, sounding as if he was right next to Zelda. "She should be waking up soon."

Who is that?

Zelda's back ached despite the fact that she was laying on her stomach. Faintly, she recalled the monster that had attacked her. Once she realized that she was not stuck in some dark void and that her eyes were simply closed, she opened them to dusty walls and ancient, faded paintings. Though the memories weren't very vivid, she could remember trying to flee, trying to get away from camp to keep Groose and Ni safe. What happened to them? Her heart began pounding.

"See?" the male said.

Zelda began to turn over, ignoring the pain that flared up within her entire body, mostly in her face and back. She trembled as tears welled up in her eyes, but she had to make sure they were okay.

When two hands rested on her shoulders and gently began to push her back down onto her stomach, she began to scream, though it was weak and came out as barely more than a whimper. She tried to fight back, but she lacked the strength; her limbs weighed a ton and her throat felt like a mini Lanayru Desert.

"Relax!" the man exclaimed. "Please, we're part of the Sheikah!"

Zelda stopped screaming and fighting as she heard the name of Impa's tribe, but she was still as tense as a stretched rubber band. Her eyes hurt as she began to attempt to get a look at the face of the man holding her down. However, her peripheral vision didn't reach that far. "Let me look at you," she said, now panting. Was she really already out of breath?

The hands cautiously removed themselves from her shoulders, allowing her to lift her upper body up a few inches and see more of the supposed Sheikah. The sound of glass gently bumping into glass echoed throughout the room as a man's chest came into view, then a pendant with the Sheikah eye painted with violet paint, though the teardrop was a feather as crimson as Link's Loftwing. She next saw the tan face, then shiny black hair that was pulled back into a bun. Red eyes soon gazed into her blue ones as the man squatted next to her bed.

Zelda let out a relieved sigh, calming down. At least she wasn't captured by demons or something. "Can I sit up?"

"Your back needs more time to heal," the man said. "Perhaps tomorrow. My apologies."

Zelda frowned, but decided laying on her stomach was better than permanent damage to her back. "Okay. I had two people with me...what happened to them?"

"The little girl is unharmed. The man, however..." He looked away, apparently looking at something across the room, most likely the woman. Zelda felt her insides do a flip. "He lost an arm," the man finally said as he looked back at the her.

"Lost an arm!?" Zelda shrieked as she shot up. The man tried to push her back down but she visciously slapped him away. Her body was suddenly flowing with energy she didn't know she had. "HE LOST AN ARM!?"

"Mal, go get her some food and water," the woman from before, who had been silent, said as she stepped into view. Her short, blonde hair was tied back into a high ponytail, emphasized by her dark, tanned skin. Her sharp eyes gazed at the male now known as Mal. For the moment, Zelda was silenced. Maybe she could get them to bring Groose and Ni in.

Map frowned deeply, but he obeyed, standing up and briskly walking out of the room. The woman watched him intently with her crimson eyes, silent. Zelda wished she could tell what she was feeling, but she couldn't while the black cape she wore covered the bottom half of her face. Wasn't that Impa's?

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