Lips Sealed

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Within the black smoke that was slowly swallowing Lanayru Desert various demonic spirits resided. The smoke itself was a demon--a dangerous demon that could blatantly lie and still seem believable. It was a talent of hers, tricking those she went after and slowly breaking them down until they lost the will to fight.

"Why does he refuse me?" said that demon, her tone evoking true sadness. Anyone that didn't know her would have been fooled into pitying her.

No one answered her question. It wasn't as if they could; they were all spirits that had died long ago, in the war between Hylia and Demise and some a while afterwards.

"What can I do? He won't listen to me; he continues relying on that boy to keep him alive when I'm the only one who can save him." A hint of anger shone like the sun within the word "boy". She would not let it slip through again.

Again, no answer. But she didn't mind-she would be getting them soon enough.

"Alright," said the demon. "I'll just give him a good scare. Then he'll come with me. How does that sound?"

She received no answer, nor did she need one. She knew what she was going to do.


Link awoke in the morning to Ghirahim laying across his chest, a little too close to his injury. Aside from that, no one had bothered him and the Sealed Temple was next to silent.

As soon as Link put a hand on his shoulder to push him off, Ghirahim jolted up like a child that had fallen asleep when they were supposed to get ready for school.

Link sat up as well, pulling his tunic from under his body. The sword had been placed close by, leaning against the wall next to him. His chainmail and undershirt were laying next to it. Glancing around, he saw Zelda and Groose sitting with their backs against one of the elaborately decorated pillars, talking in hushed voices. Tirai was toying with a ball of fire that Link assumed she had conjured herself.

"I swear, you wouldn't wake up if half the temple exploded," Ghirahim grumbled, catching Link's attention. "I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour."

"Oh, hush," Link said, grinning as he stretched. His limbs were stiff from not moving much for the past couple of days.

Link quickly reached for his undershirt and pulled it on, not minding Ghirahim watching him.

"You know, you look nice in that undershirt," the demon commented.

"That's only because it's too tight," Link answered casually, his mouth curling into a playful smirk though he did not look at him. "Don't think I don't see you staring."

At Ghirahim's silence, Link laughed. He almost expected his face to turn red like when he'd been mad at him, but when he looked up he saw that he had remained pale. Nonetheless, his expression let Link know that he'd been caught.

He proceeded to pull on the chainmail and his tunic.

"Where's my pouches?" Link asked as he pushed himself to his feet. He felt a small pain shoot up from his side and he felt dizzy, but aside from that his injury gave him no trouble. He guessed that they had found a potion or a fairy and had used it on him.

Ghirahim took in a deep breath to recompose himself. "I don't know." He stood up, brushing himself off.

Link glanced at his feet and they were right there. He grabbed them and fitted them around his waist.

Once he was fully clothed, he stood up and headed towards Zelda, planning to ask when they were to leave. Instead, he stopped once he heard the word "Hyrule", a term he'd never heard of before. Cautiously, he slipped behind a pillar and listened.

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