Chapter 3

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When I woke up, everything felt normal. Well as normal as things can feel for a superhero and I heard the voices of the others coming from the other room.

"Well, she seems to be alright." I heard Johnny say.

"Physically, she seems to be fine. But I'm not sure about why she meant about us not moving though" Reed said, seeming slightly confused from what I could hear in his voice.

I didn't want to face them. What was I supposed to say to them, they already think that I'm going insane. Everything is going to fall apart now. What's going to happen to the Fantastic Four? Will the others carry on without me? Reed's not going to want to marry me any more, Ben and Johnny won't want anything to do with me. And I don't even want to think about what the public will be saying about this, I'm sure that they've already noticed that something is wrong with the team, well with me in particular.

My head was jumbled, I didn't want to think about the things that could happen. Maybe if I get up and act like everything is normal, and that nothing even remotely strange happened this morning, they won't think anything of it. They might think that I was just tired.

I got out of bed, and walked out of the room into the living room where the others were gathered.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I said to them, as I walked into the room. It was Johnny that answered me, and I wished that I had stayed in bed.

"Sue! Are you ok? Do you feel better? Have you stopped being crazy?" he almost yelled at me.

"Johnny give her some space for goodness sake." Ben said to him "She's not crazy, right Reed?"

Since I had walked into the room, Reed had been silent and he had the expression on his face hat he only wore when he was deep in thought.

"I can't be 100% sure at the moment. But it is unlikely, either Sue was really tired and was imagining it," I gave him a sour look and was about to give him a piece if my mind when he continued "or it has something to do with the ball of light that she got blasted by yesterday. I presume that it is the latter, and so I will need to run some tests on you, Sue."

"Ok, just to prove to you that I am not crazy." I said to him. I hated it when Reed went into full science mode, especially when it came to me.


"Ok. Do you want the good news? Or the bad news?" Reed asked. He had finished the tests, and had the results in his hand.

"Um...The good news." I replied to him, slightly worried. He came and sat down next to me, and took my hand in his.

"Well, the good news is that you are not crazy," he told me, I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding in, "the bad news," he continued "is that there is some form of virus running through your body. It looks almost like the structure of our powers does, so that could mean that you have another ability."

I just stared at him. Another ability, it was hard enough living with the one ability that I already have, and now I suddenly have to deal with another one. Just my luck.

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