Chapter 4

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When I walked into the lab it was a complete mess, there were bits of machine and metal thrown across the room. As I looked around the room, I saw Reed arguing with some of the pieces of metal, a look of determination on his face.

"Reed?" I asked, and his head snapped up to look at me "What are you doing? It's two in the morning."

"Sue, I was just... well I was trying to make a machine that could help you with your...urmm....this virus thing." he answered, it was just like him to be up at this time.

"Well you can continue with this project tomorrow. Right now you need sleep, come to bed." He looked like he was about to argue, so I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the lab. It felt so good to know that he cared so much about me.


The next few days were hectic; Reed was constantly working on the machine to get rid of this extra power. The machine was almost finished when I next went into the lab; it was incredible that he managed to work so fast. As I walked into the lab Reed turned around and smiled.

"I've almost finished the machine; there are just a few parts that need to go onto the top." He told me

"Let me help" I told him, I concentrated on the parts to create a force field around them, but nothing happened. I put both of my hands in front of me and tried again, only focusing on the parts, but again nothing happened. I looked over to Reed for help and he looked completely confused.

"It won't work!" I yelled at him. "I can't create a force field!" I didn't know what to do. I had a power that I couldn't control, and the power I had before had just vanished. The Fantastic Four had just lost a member.


What use is a superhero with no power? No use! With no power there was nothing that I could be doing, with only three members I knew the rest of the team was struggling. They all seemed more tired, especially Reed he spent his spare time trying to figure out what was wrong with me and the rest in between saving the world and being a world renowned scientist. I knew that they needed some help, and when they all came back battered and bruised from the latest mission I knew I needed to do something.

I remembered that a while ago I had seen something on the news about mutants and a scientist named Professor Xavier. After a long time searching the internet, I finally found a way to contact him. I decided to wait until the night to call him so that none of the others would see and they wouldn't be able to object.

That night once Johnny and Ben had retired to their rooms and Reed was locked in his lab, I made the phone call. I dialled the number and waited impatiently as it rang three times.

"Hello, Professor Xavier speaking," said the person on the other end his voice hoarse and gentle.

"Hi, my name is Susan Storm and I am part of the Fantastic Four," I replied.

"Ah, Miss Storm the fiancée of Dr Richards what can I help you with?" I began to explain what had happened to me and how my powers and my team were suffering.

"They are all really tired," I explained "they don't get enough sleep and Reed spends all of his free time locked up in his lab. Is there any way you could help us?"

He was quiet for a few moments and I waited for him to say that there was nothing he could do but I was wrong. "It seems that your team could use another member just until you regain your powers. I have the perfect person for the job and they will be at your home at some point tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Professor, I really appreciate it." We said goodbye and I went off to the lab to drag Reed away so he could get some sleep. Things appeared to be looking up.

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