Chapter 10: First There's Cute, Next There's Ugly

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Chapter 10 –First there’s cute, next there’s ugly

About halfway through the second movie at about 2am Harry got up from beside me. I assumed he was going to the bathroom so I let it be. A minute later he came back over and stood directly in front of me.

“Yes?” I asked him when he didn’t move.

“Elena, I need to ask you this now.” He told me taking my hand. I nodded and he took a breath sitting back down on the couch. “Will you please be my girlfriend?” he asked taking a hand from behind his back and opening a long velvet case. I gasped,

“Harry of course I will! But I can’t accept this.” I told him pushing the beautiful diamond encrusted H necklace back towards him. “It must have cost a fortune.”

“Elena Calder, I insist you take it. It’s only one of the many gifts I shall spoil you with because you are my girlfriend.” I giggled and gave in. He told me to turn around so he could put it on and I did. After he put it on I got up to go look at it.

“It’s beautiful.” I said admiring it as Harry came up behind me placing his arms around my waist.

“I’m glad you like it. Now everyone will know that you’re mine.” He rested his head on my shoulder and started kissing my neck and well, I think you see where this is going.

That night was one like no other. Let’s just say, Harry Styles is amazing in bed. I know it seems like we are rushing things but he asked me if I was okay with what we were doing and I said yes. So I can blame myself if I regret it later.

The next morning I woke up to arms wrapped around my waist and a hard chest pressed up against my own. I opened my eyes and found a mop of curly hair staring me in the face. He is so cute when he sleeps. I decided to try something I’ve always wanted to do when waking someone up.

I leaned over and kiss Harry’s lips getting a reaction a minute later. He started to kiss me back but I ended it just to tease him. He groaned and I giggled, just what I wanted to hear.

“Morning beautiful,” he said in his sexy morning voice opening his eyes to meet mine, “but kiss me again.” I laughed and shook my head.

“Not this time Styles.” He groaned once more. I have no idea how this happened. I was saying to myself just yesterday that I didn’t want to date him. But look at me now, I just did ‘it’ with him and he’s in my bed! Holy shit!

Minutes later he and I got up to go eat something. When I entered the kitchen about 15 minutes after he did I saw him cooking some bacon and eggs on the stove. Aw, he’s making me breakfast, that’s so cute! Just then, my cell phone rang.

“Hello?” I called into it not glancing at the caller I.D. beforehand.

“Hey Elena, is Harry with you?” Louis asked in a worried tone.

“Yeah he is, he’s just making me breakfast right now.” I told him hopping up on the counter.

“Thank god, we had no idea where he was last night.” I put on a confused look.

“Didn’t he tell you he came over to my flat?”

“Nope, all he told us was that he was going out. Wait, he stayed the night, oh my god you didn’t.” I kept quiet.

“You did! Oh my lord you dirty little children!”

“Shut up! Harry will be back sometime today, maybe.” I glanced at him and he laughed a bit.

“Well, have fun. But please have him back at a reasonable hour. Thank you and good bye.” Just like that he hung up. Odd man he is, very odd.

“Hey babe,” Harry said and I looked up, “what do you want to do today?” I shrugged and got off the counter wrapping my arms around Harry as he was cooking.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“How about a lazy day where we do absolutely nothing?”

“Don’t have to ask me twice. But we have to go down to Starbucks real quick okay?” He nodded and I went to get properly dressed.

I now found myself in Starbucks drinking my Vanilla Latté across from Harry.

“I’ll be right back, got to take a wee.” He told me getting up. I nodded and glanced out the window for a minute. I then felt a presence in front of me.

“That was fast.” I said looking back to who I thought was Harry. But turns out it was my kidnapper. Oh shit…

“Hey there Elena, what’s up?” shit, shit, shit! What do I do?

“Uh, nothing much, just waiting for my boyfriend.” I gulped and drew in a shaky breath. He smirked at me.

“So you’re scared, that’s good.” I darted my gaze anywhere but his face. When I finally got up the nerve I looked him dead in the eye and told him,

“Leave me the hell alone.” And not a single word faltered.

“Sorry, but I got paid to do the opposite.” With that he rose from the seat and walked out. I followed him with my eyes as he left and watched him go into his apartment building. Creepy.

Wait, what did he mean by he got paid to do the opposite. So he’s getting paid to do this to me? Holy shit. Whoever is paying him, I’m going to pound the snot right out of them if we ever meet.

I wonder who it could be. I can’t think of anyone who actually knows where I work, because I didn’t tell anyone. I can’t name a single person who would want me to get raped and stalked. I wish I knew who it was. This whole thing is stressing me out now. Oh lordy.

“Hey love what’s wrong, you seem stressed.” Harry asked as he sat down in front of me taking my hand. I rubbed my forehead with my free hand and groaned.

“I just have a major migraine. Do you think we could walk back then stay in bed watching ‘Will and Grace’?”

“I’m not sure what that is but I’ll do anything for you love.” He kissed my forehead and we went back to my flat.

The rest of the day, even when Harry left, I couldn’t stop thinking about what my kidnapper said. Who the hell was paying him to harass me?!

*Author's Note*

Hello hello :) OMG who is doing this to her. Some of you may have caught on but the majority probably haven't. I tried to make it not obvious so if it is, just message me and tell me. If you comment it will ruin the story so yeah byeee ;*

~Starlightr xx

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