Chapter 19: P.S. The Worst Has Yet To Come

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Chapter 19 -P.S. The Worst Has Yet To Come

My eyes shifted around the room I was in, observing my surroundings. I'm not in my flat, nor am I Brandon's, so where the hell am I? The room had the bed I was lying on, a door right across from me, and a window to my left. Nothing else. The floor was carpeting and the walls were white, I feel like I'm in a mental institution. Then it dawned on me, where the hell Brandon?

Getting up I took my place in front of the window looking outside. The view looks to be from my apartment building. I can see the road below and Brandon's building across from me. Sighing I walked over to the door and tried the handle; to my surprise it wasn't locked. Slowly I opened it seeing a flat almost identical to my own.

I carefully padded down the hall trying not to make a sound. I didn't know what time it was, someone had taken my phone, so I didn't want to wake anyone. I peeked into the living room seeing Brandon passed out on the couch. Glancing the other way into the kitchen, I saw a girl leaning against the counter, her back to me. I studied her carefully but I couldn't place her. It was obvious she wore a wig, it was short and black.

Not making a sound, I crept back into the room and sat down on the bed. Oh my god, that had to be R! I swallowed hard as I realized just how close I am to my tormenter. I heard footsteps coming down the hall so I quickly got back under the covers and turned away from the door pretending to be asleep.

The door soon opened and R was getting closer. I tried to slow down my breathing so she wouldn't suspect anything. I did so successfully as she swept my hair back from my face and sighed. Oh my god what is she going to do? I prepared myself for the worst, but it never came. I heard the door shut a few seconds later and I frowned. I waited a few minutes before moving hearing her footsteps fade away. Seconds after I turned back to face the door, I heard the front door slam shut. I jumped with fear and blew out a shaky breath.

Getting to my feet once more I slipped out the door and into the living room making sure R had left. Running over to the couch I saw my phone on the coffee table. I quickly picked it up saw the time, 8:04, no wonder Brandon is still sleeping. I looked around for a magazine of some kind. Once I found one I rolled it up and hit Brandon over the head with it. Well that woke him up.

“What the hell?” He questioned, rising with a start. “Did you just hit me with a magazine?” he asked pointing the object in my hands, I couldn't help but see a little fear in his eyes. Is he seriously that scared of a magazine? What a wimp.

“Maybe.” I said cracking a smile. Then his demeanour changed, he went from tense to calm in a matter of seconds.

“Thank god your smiling, I thought you were mad at me or something. I'm really sorry I had to move you, R showed up and made me bring you to her creepy rental flat.” He ran a hand through his matted hair and sat up.

“Why would she want to move me though? It makes no sense, I know your apartment anyway.” I told him taking a seat on the table where I found my phone.

“That's the point, she thought bringing you here would disorient you.” he said stating her point.

“Well little does she know, I've lived here for some of my life and I do know where everything is in London.” a smile pricked his face.

“That's exactly what I told her but she wouldn't listen, thankfully. She was going to make me take you to back to your home town of Manchester, but I wasn't about to drive no 4 hours to get there in the early hours of the morning.” I laughed.

“What would she even accomplish in doing that? I grew up in Manchester I know everything there as well.” He followed my laughter and shook his head.

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