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"That's it Elena!" my mum screamed, "You're going to boarding school, in America." She looked fuming while I was shocked. But Eleanor, she looked satisfied. We are 15 and she still hates me. Eleanor is 3 minutes younger than me and those 3 minutes are what she brags about all the time. She has been trying to ruin my life since we were in the womb! No literally, she actually pushed me out when I was born. That my friend, is not an exaggeration.

"Thank god Mother, I have been waiting for you to come to your senses. She's been nothing but trouble and is so mean to me. I think she really hates me mum." And there she goes. Eleanor can cry on flipping command. That is how she always gets me into trouble for the things she does. All she has to do is start sobbing and mum will come to her rescue. It's disgusting if you ask me.

"Good," I said, "I'd rather be in a boarding school than anywhere near here where Eleanor is feeding you all these lies. You are horrible parents, when is the first flight out?" I screamed making my presence known again.

"Tomorrow so get packing, it's called P.C.A, Pacific Coast Academy. Here, this is a pamphlet." Eleanor threw it at me in disgust. Good, I'd rather her be disgusted by me than actually like me. I don't think we could ever be friends if we weren't twins.

I raced upstairs and got out my multitude of suitcases. I put in almost every piece of clothing I own, and some of Eleanor's favourites just because I want to make her mad. That'll show her.

The next day we are at the airport and guess what. Mum is acting like nothing ever happened. She and dad are crying up a storm and Eleanor is standing there looking bored. Well good, I won't miss her much anyways.

"My darling Elena, I'm going to miss you so much." My mum cried lunging at me for a hug. I'm squeezed to death by her grip and barely get out an 'I'll miss you too'. Even if that's not 100% true. Next my Father hugs me and whispers a few kind words of encouragement. He's always kind of taken my side, we are somewhat close I guess.

"I'm going to miss you love." He said to me. He's the one I really love. Finally my god awful sister has to say goodbye to me. She looks me up and down.

"Ugh, see you later loser." She makes a face at me and I'm so tempted to pound her one in the face it's not even funny. I turn my nose at her cross my arms. Of course this doesn't faze my parents. They just laugh at our 'silliness' and carry on talking.

Soon my plane arrives and I'm relieved. I almost run to the desk to get everything approved. Once that is finished I wave a final goodbye and I board my plane. California here I come!


Hello :) This story is one I have been working on for the past few weeks and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! The first chapter will be up momentarily! Oh and this story is all told in Elena's (uh-lane-uh) point of view. Love you lots random strangers ;)

~Starlightr <3

P.S This story is all my original ideas and its copyrighted so please don't take my ideas :) thank you!

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