Chapter 11 –Who Are You and Why Are You in My Fridge?!
My lazy day with Harry yesterday was great! He was so sweet, even making me food and bringing it to me all day. He’s such a sweetie.
At the moment I’m taking the elevator up to my flat after my morning Starbucks run. I was just about to unlock the door when I saw a note taped to it. I unfolded the paper and almost dropped it in shock.
Hey there pretty lady,
If you'd like to know, Brandon's the name. Oh, and be on your toes because you never know where I could be. I could be behind you right now and you wouldn't even notice. Wondering how I know where you live? My payment girl told me. Good luck with hiding now darling.
Kisses, Brandon
Oh my god who is this chick and how does she know where I live?! Does she get a thrill out of freaking me out because it sure as hell is working!
I can’t let Harry find this note! I have to keep it for Police reasons but where can I hide it? I’ll find a place. But what do I do now? I looked around paranoid as hell, and entered my flat locking the door behind me.
After a long bit of thinking I came up with an idea. What if I write him a note and stick it on his door. Then he’ll be really fucking freaked out cause I know where he lives. He probably thought I wouldn’t remember because I was so scared, pft, no. So that’s exactly what I did.Hey there Ugly Bastard!
Guess what, I know where you live too. Which means I can tell the Police exactly where to arrest your stupid ass for kidnapping, harassing, and drugging me. Actually you little dickhead, you should be on your toes because I can call the cops in two seconds flat. Just thought you should know! Also who is the bitch that knows where I live and is paying you?
Sincerely, Elena
I ran over to his building and taped it on his door right over the looking hole thing. That will teach him to mess with me now. I bolted straight back to my place and locked the door. Speaking of I’m doing to go get multiple locks from the hardware store tomorrow.I went back into my flat and screamed. There was someone in my fridge!
"Who are you and why the hell are you in my fridge!” I yelled at the mysterious man.
“Chill out Elena,” Niall said; wait, how does he know where I live. Wait, how did he get in?! “You have like, no good food here. Hey can I take you shopping?”
“Uh Niall, how did you get in?”
"You left the door unlocked.” He told me munching on some chips. I rolled my eyes. How can I be so stupid?! I just got a threatening note and he knows where I live. Wow.
“Is there something you’d like?” I asked him throwing my keys on the counter.
“Nope, I’m just gonna go buy you some more food then hang out here for bit. Your sister is driving me crazy.” I laughed.
“I figured she would.” He grabbed his coat and was about to leave.
“I’ll see you later Elena.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I sat on the couch and watched tv.
Throughout the next week or two Brandon has been continuing to leave notes on my door as I have done to him. I think I actually made some progress in narrowing down who is paying him. These are the multiple notes we’ve sent back and forth.
Hey there beauty,
Ouch, you’re not as nice as I thought you’d be. Also, if you call the Police your precious little boyfriend is going to get it. Oh, and this ‘little bitch’ that’s paying me knows you more than you think. But to me she goes by R. So how have you been? Pick up any extra shifts at Starbucks lately? Surely you’d need more money to pay for that fancy flat of yours.
Kisses, Brandon.
Hey there douche bag,
You’re damn right I’m not nice! Just leave him out of it, he has too many things going on as it is. You also probably wouldn’t even be able to get near him. What do you mean she’s closer to me than I think? I don’t even know anyone who's name starts with R, and only people that I like know where I live so how is that possible? Besides you threatening me I’ve been good, you? And no, I haven’t picked up any extra shifts; I have two jobs actually, and I don’t intend on you knowing about the other one.
Sincerely, Elena.
Hey there feisty,
Why should I leave him out of it, he surely should know his girlfriend is being threatened. Haven’t you told him? Because if you don’t, I will. Oh don’t worry, I’m sure I could get my hands on him, trust me. I mean be careful who you think likes you. This girl actually hates you, that’s why she sent me to kidnap you. I’ve been fantastic, thank you for asking! Oh two jobs. Looks like I’m going to have to find out where else you work.
Kisses, Brandon.
Hey there crazy mofo,
Don’t you fucking dare call me feisty! Because you should okay?! Of course I’ve told him, you think I wouldn’t tell my boyfriend someone is threatening me? What do you mean be careful who likes me? Jesus just tell me who she is so I can hit her! Seriously Brandon, please don’t follow me around, that’s just another year or two added on to your sentence when you get locked up, stalking. I’m just doing this for you.
Sincerely, Elena.
P.S. Why are we sending these notes?
Hey there princess,
Sorry, but you are quite feisty if I do say so myself. I still think you haven’t told him. I mean that you could think she likes you but she doesn’t. All I will say is that you’ve known her for a bit.
Kisses, Brandon.
P.S. I don’t know let’s stop with this one. But remember what I said, watch your back and don’t get too close to anyone.
I haven’t had another note since that one and I still can’t figure out who this R character is. I have to find out. Oh, and you know when I told him that I told Harry, yeah I haven’t told him about the notes. Speaking of him, he’s here to pick me up.
“Hey love.” He said as I opened the door. I pecked him on the lips.
“Hi, so where are we going on this date?” I asked locking the door.
“I was thinking dinner and a surprise.” I rolled my eyes as he took my tiny hand in his large one.
“So where are we going for dinner?” I asked hoping he would tell me.
“Can’t say, now hop in.” he told me opening the door to his Range Rover for me.
“Hi there my name’s Saffron what can I get for you?” The flirty bottle blonde waitress asked eyeing up Harry. I could feel the anger boiling up inside me as I glared at her.
“I’ll have the Chicken Parm and a Coke please, what are you having love?” I asked Harry taking his hand in mine across the table while narrowing my eyes at the waitress and smacking my gum.
After Harry ordered and the waitress left I drew my eyes back to Harry. His eyes were turned a dark shade of green and were filled with lust.
“What?” I asked, he licked his lips and growled.
“You are so sexy when you’re jealous.” I smirked.
“Oh am I now?” he nodded licking his lips once again. Suddenly a different waiter came up and gave us our drinks. He smiled widely at Harry and I giggled.
“Here are your drinks, and I will be back soon with your meals.” He told us leaving. Once he was out of ear shot I spoke up.
“Jesus now I have to be jealous of guys too, this is a lot of work.” Harry laughed and cracked a smile. Damn he’s cute.
*Author's Note*
Whaattt?? Notes with Elena I'm sorry I had to, I did this with my boyfriend and it was cute so I had to add it in. Not the kidnapping, just note passing. I'm off to write more stories bye now!
~Starlightr x

Her Sister's Revenge - One Direction
ФанфикEleanor Calder, 19, daughter of Clive and Monica employees at Modest! Management and twin sister of Elena Calder. They are identical twins, the only difference is Eleanor has a British accent and Elena has an American one. How you ask? Elena lost he...