Chapter 20 -The Inevitable
“Elena let me in!” I groaned in bed and rolled over. When I got home last night I got completely smashed off of the liquor I had in the fridge and right now I have a killer headache. Not to mention it's 9 o'clock in the morning!
“Elena fucking Calder let me inside right now!” Dammit, now I have to get up.
“Seriously though, what is it with people banging on my fucking door.” I mumbled stumbling out of bed and throwing on my robe.
I opened the door only to be almost knocked over by Harry. I sighed and shut the door behind him as he came in. I rested my head against it and closed my eyes. Oh what I would do for an hour more of sleep. Wait make that ten.
“Elena, what the fuck is this!” He yelled throwing a magazine on the coffee table. I glanced at it gave him a look.
“It's a god damn tabloid magazine now why are you yelling at me?” I asked with an exasperated groan.
“Look at the cover of the magazine, now tell me this is bullshit!” I looked carefully at the cover and saw a montage of pictures of Brandon and I. Well fuck me gently with a crowbar. There are pictures of us at Starbucks together, outside my flat building, and at Blackout before he fake drugged me.
“Harry love I promise that Brandon and I are just friends. Like I said, I met him at work and we are simply mates.” His anger seemed to grow even more at my words.
“You met him at fucking Blackout?! I should've listened to Liam you are a slut!” my eyes widened.
“Stop it Harry I met him at Starbucks, I worked there for a while remember?! Now as for the slut thing, you can just fuck right off with those comments because I know all about your little trip down Maddison's Avenue. You told me about her and every other girl you fucked while you drunk so don't even go there.” His eyes were filled with pure hatred as he glared holes through me.
“I am not this man whore you describe me as and I definitely did not go down Maddison's Avenue! So you can shut the fuck up, just tell me if this is true or not!” he yelled once more.
“No Harry it's not fucking true! But to think you'll blow up every time the tabs think I'm cheating you can leave! You know what, you can get out of here Harry, because we are finished! Get out!” I screamed with tears running own my face. I swear I saw his face soften for a moment, but then it went straight back to being pissed off.
He charged out of my apartment and left his key on the counter. Shit, what did I just do. I literally have nobody right now. I would call Chelsea but I think she's scared to make contact with me from the whole R thing. I'd call my sister but she hates me, I'd call one of the other girls, but they hate me too! Oh god what have I done...
Plopping on the couch I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Hates me, hates me, Harry's friend, sister, hates me, mom, hates me, hates me, scared of me, dad, hates me even more than anyone, hates m- wait, Niall... I click on his name indicating a call and put my phone to my ear.

Her Sister's Revenge - One Direction
ФанфикEleanor Calder, 19, daughter of Clive and Monica employees at Modest! Management and twin sister of Elena Calder. They are identical twins, the only difference is Eleanor has a British accent and Elena has an American one. How you ask? Elena lost he...