Chapter 5: Forgive And Forget?

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Chapter 5 -Forgive And Forget?

I was walking up the stairs to my apartment complex, I was on the 3rd floor, and when I got up to my floor I saw the strangest thing. Harry was sitting against my door knocking on it repeatedly. I really didn't want to deal with this now but I guess I had to.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I asked standing in front of him.

"Oh my god Elena I thought you were in there. I just want to say I am so sorry for I did last night. Can you forgive me, please?" He was on his knees begging for my forgiveness. Wow, this feels a little too cheesy. But I nodded anyway. I mean come on, Eleanor is my identical twin, and everybody calls us the opposite name once in a while.

"Alright, I forgive you. But may I ask how long you were sitting there for?" He blushed as he stood up.

"Since about ten. When did you leave?"

"I left at 9:45 and I'm coming back at 10:30. You've been sitting here for half an hour?" I said asking him about his utter stupidity.

"Um, yes?"

"Oh my god Harry, I wish you would've stopped at Starbucks on the way. That's where I was the entire time." I laughed deciding not to tell him I got a job there. He was going to have to figure that out by himself.

"Wow, how stupid am I. I was going to but then I thought that I wouldn't have gotten here in time." Next time I will look there first. I laughed at him and invited him in. He accepted and stood there taking in my flat.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him trying not to smirk.

"Uh, pink. You sure like it don't you?" I nodded and sat on the couch. I beckoned him over and he sat with me. I was sitting cross legged facing him and he sat normally.

"So, what brings you here other than to apologize? I sense there's something else."

"Yeah actually, Eleanor was wondering if you'd like to come over for lunch. We are having a big barbecue for you coming back."

"Sure, but after that I need to go job hunting, care to come with?" I asked him hopefully. I need to give my dad's car back to him and I currently don't have one so I need a ride.

"Yeah I'll come. Alright, the barbecue starts at noon and it's 10:30 now I best be off." He got up and went to the door as I followed him.

"Bye now Harry." I said with a wink shooing him out the door.

Okay, so what to do in the meantime. I quickly did my makeup and put my hair up in a neat sock bun rather than a messy regular one. I still had like an hour to kill, so I decided to watch TV. Let's see how many gossip shows have me in them.

I flicked on the television and found one talk show in particular that I enjoyed.

"This is a picture of Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend Eleanor Calder out on what looks to be a date with his best friend Harry Styles. I wonder what Louis thinks about this. More on the secret lovers coming up next." As soon as that last line ended I started laughing my ass off. Yes! This is exactly what I wanted.

I pulled up the driveway to my family's house and parked the car in the garage. Getting out I put the keys on the hook and stepped inside. I found Zayn, Niall and Liam sitting at the kitchen table looking bored out of their minds just talking.

"Hey boys, I thought there was going to be a barbecue?" I asked confused.

"There is one, but it's all vegetarian." Niall said groaning.

"Who is vegetarian? Last time I checked I didn't know anybody who was vegetarian."

"Your sister. She's even tried to make all of us turn to veggies. I will never, I love my meat too much." Zayn told me putting a fist in the air. I laughed at him and replied.

"Well why don't we crash this barbecue by going and buying some real meat? Sound good?" I purposed. There was a multitude of yeses. But before we could make it out the door Eleanor came rushing in.

"Elena you're here, fantastic." She said as if she couldn't care less.
"Mum wants to see you so come on." She dragged me outside and we were met with Louis.

"Hey Elena, how are you?" Louis asked looking at Eleanor and pulling me in for a hug. Oh man, shit just got real.

"I'm good how are you?" I answered, not hugging him back.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry love!" he said to Eleanor pushing me away. She looked fuming mad.

"Thanks love you too bro." I said in a joking matter to him. Ellie glared at me, and the evil twin is back.

I left their little spat and went back in the house. I walk through the door and saw that the three boys were watching the television. Wait, where is Harry?

"Boys," I said and they all looked at me, "where is Harry?"

"He's upstairs somewhere, find him." Zayn said waving me off. I shrugged and padded my way up the steps checking my room first. I opened the door and saw Harry sitting on the floor writing something. When I came in his head shot up and hid what he was writing.

"What are you writing that's so secretive?" I said sitting across from him now.

"Nothing, oh I have a question." He told me looking all nervous, aw he's really cute.

"What's your question boy?"

"Do you want to go clubbing with the boys, Eleanor and I tonight?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm not sure she'd want me to go but because of that I definitely will."

"Why wouldn't she?" he looked confused.

"Well a few minutes ago Louis thought I was Eleanor and gave me a huge hug kissing my head right in front of her." His eyes bugged out.

"Damn, that is going to be hard for him to get out of." I agreed with him and we headed back downstairs to join the other boys.

Muaha ha ha! What do you think Harry was writing? Secrets, secrets, they never get you anywhere. So, something out of the ordinary is going to happen in the next chapter. But for now you should totally follow me and vote ;) Love you lots random strangers! ;*

-Starlightr <3

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