Jasper grinned, his mouth was covered in blood, his own blood. (This thankfully is not a vampire story.)
"Just walk away! It isn't worth it!" I screamed, my throat aching from having been strained so much tonight. Jasper looked at me for a few seconds, and I could tell from the look on his face that he wouldn't be backing down. No matter how much I begged, cried or screamed Jasper was going to continue the fight. Jasper was too prideful to back down from any challenge. He has always been that way. Jasper would often get into fights to defend me when we were young. He considered it his duty to defend me. He had a fierce unbreakable loyalty to all those he loved. It was one thing I admired about him. Jasper has never lost a fight, he was strong. Strong physically and psychologically. Despite his disease. He never acted as if it affected him. He never took charity from anyone, even me. The fight he was in now was different from his usual fights. He had been in fights where it had been close to loss on his part, but his energy never ran out. This fight he seemed drained. His usually proud, energetic and smart alecky demeanor was faded, his face was pale as a sheet, his body looked weighed down, as if there were weights tied to his arms and legs. He faked a smile very well. Usually I was the only one able to tell the difference between the mask and the genuine happiness. Jasper's movements were slower than usual. His face was swollen almost beyond recognition, his left leg had a limp, his black hair was matted with dirt and blood. His opponent landed a blow on Jasper's face. Jasper's already weakened body crumpled to the ground, I heard a piercing, animalistic scream. Not realizing until after i heard it that it was me. His opponent continued kicking and stomping on Jasper, my body was frozen inside and out. I was watching this from above, I was no longer apart of anything around me. The Opponent finally left, I staggered over to Jasper. His body was contorted, I knelt down next to Jasper.
"Jasper..." I choked out. He smiled, damn him for smiling. I pulled out my phone, "I'm calling for help, you'll be okay, everything will be okay." I couldn't tell if I was trying to comfort Jasper or myself.
"Em..." He said softly, his voice so strained it hurt even to hear it. "Listen... I want you to be the one to kill me."
"Wh-what, Jasper I-"
"I love you... I don't have much time..."
"You aren't going to die! Stop acting like you're going to die!" I yelled, Jasper chuckled then winced.
"End it. Now Em. "
"I... I c-cant..." Jasper smiled, and if I knew this was the last time I would see him smile, if I wasn't in denial I would have told him that I loved him, that I would miss him more than he could ever imagine. He reached out for my hand weakly, I let him take it.
"Don't cry Em... I hate to see you cry..." he said, and then he closed his eyes and drew his last breath. Never again would I see those brown eyes dancing with joy, see them fill with determination during a fight or dim while he was concentrating. I would never hear his raspy laugh or see his crooked smile ever again. And as the hand I held grew cold, the hand that had checked my forehead to see if I had a temperature. That had a held a paint brush and had once made beautiful paintings, a hand that was now covered in blood and dirt. A small tear drop fell onto the hand. And everything around me faded to black.

Please Don't Go
Fiksi RemajaJasper and Em (Emmalyn) have always been incredibly close, ever since they were little. But they day Jasper is killed in a fight right before Em's eyes changes everything. This story is the first in a series leading up to the event of Jasper's death.