“Here, use this for water,” Jasper said, shoving a ten dollar bill in my hand.
“That's more than I need…”
“Buy breakfast too then.”
“Thank you…”
“Don't be sad love, I'll see you in film analysis.” He hugged me quickly then ran off to his first period class.
I trudged off to math.
“Where did you go yesterday Emmalyn?” My geometry teacher, Ms. Andrews asked. I gulped,
“Bathroom… like I said.”
“You were gone for an awfully long time.”
I stayed silent. “Detention, tomorrow, I'll see you there, otherwise your parents will receive a phone call from me, understand?”
“Yes ma'am.”
“You will also be demonstrating the answers for the homework, I'm assuming you did it?”
I gulped, I had only done the parts I understood, which definitely wasn't much. I usually asked Jasper to help me, he was a whiz at math and amazing at explaining to me. I didn't want him to be annoyed with me so I didn't ask for help this time…
“Not much Miss…”
“Another detention then!”
I could feel the twitching coming on. I nodded and went to sit in my seat.
I survived through maths, barely. I just about slept through second (study hall) and ran to Film Analysis. I slid into my seat next to Jasper, he smiled and put his arm around me, I gratefully smiled and put my head on his shoulder.
“You look tired.”
“Dont I always?”
“More than usual.”
“I took a nap.”
“Ah, that would explain your hair.”
“Is it bad?!”
“It's ruffled, it's cute.”
“You think I'm always cute.”
“Can't deny that.”
I sighed and sank down in my seat. Then sprang up. We were watching To Kill A Mockingbird today, I loved the book and had never seen the movie. I could see Jasper looking at me and smiling out of the corner of my eye.

Please Don't Go
Teen FictionJasper and Em (Emmalyn) have always been incredibly close, ever since they were little. But they day Jasper is killed in a fight right before Em's eyes changes everything. This story is the first in a series leading up to the event of Jasper's death.