Chapter Nine

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“Here, use this for water,” Jasper said, shoving a ten dollar bill in my hand.

“That's more than I need…”

“Buy breakfast too then.”

“Thank you…”

“Don't be sad love, I'll see you in film analysis.” He hugged me quickly then ran off to his first period class.

I trudged off to math.

“Where did you go yesterday Emmalyn?”  My geometry teacher, Ms. Andrews asked. I gulped,

“Bathroom… like I said.”

“You were gone for an awfully long time.”

I stayed silent. “Detention, tomorrow, I'll see you there, otherwise your parents will receive a phone call from me, understand?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“You will also be demonstrating the answers for the homework, I'm assuming you did it?”

I gulped, I had only done the parts I understood, which definitely wasn't much. I usually asked Jasper to help me, he was a whiz at math and amazing at explaining to me. I didn't want him to be annoyed with me so I didn't ask for help this time…

“Not much Miss…”

“Another detention then!”

I could feel the twitching coming on. I nodded and went to sit in my seat.

I survived through maths, barely. I just about slept through second (study hall) and ran to Film Analysis. I slid into my seat next to Jasper, he smiled and put his arm around me, I gratefully smiled and put my head on his shoulder.

“You look tired.”

“Dont I always?”

“More than usual.”

“I took a nap.”

“Ah, that would explain your hair.”

“Is it bad?!”

“It's ruffled, it's cute.”

“You think I'm always cute.”

“Can't deny that.”

I sighed and sank down in my seat. Then sprang up. We were watching To Kill A Mockingbird today, I loved the book and had never seen the movie. I could see Jasper looking at me and smiling out of the corner of my eye.

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