Chapter Thirteen

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After we finished our food we did watch Bleach. Just like that dream… I groaned and sank down in the couch.

“You seem down, what's wrong kid?” Jasper asked, I shrugged.

“I'm disappointed by reality at the moment.”

“Why? Is it because you're stuck with me?”

“No, I love being with you. It's nothing, don't worry about it.”

“Too bad, I am worrying about it. What's wrong?”

“Can we drop it? Please?”

“Okay, are we going to the dance together like you said then?”

I nodded.

“I would hope so, I mean, I picked an outfit and stuff.”

“ I look forward to it. I have to go love, I have work.” He kissed me on the cheek and left. I groaned and flopped onto my back. What even is this? I don't know what's going on. Does he even like me like that? Do I like him like that? I'll figure it out at the dance, I guess.

The Night Of The Dance

I was getting ready, if I didn't hurry up I would be late. I had my Getting Ready Playlist playing. (This playlist included Hips don't lie, Single Ladies, Drunk in Love, Hey Mama etc.) I had on my dress, it was black with white stripes, strapless and fell a little above my knees. My hair, which I wanted to curl, was still dripping wet from my shower, and I was doing my makeup. I had twenty minutes, would I have time to finish makeup, blow dry my hair, and curl it? I doubt it. Eh, Jasper could wait a few minutes, right? I heard a knock on the door. “COME IN! I'LL BE READY IN TEN MINUTES!” I yelled, I heard the door open and shut.

“I'll be waiting!”

I tried to get ready as quickly as possible, I ended up taking thirty minutes. We left for the dance, screaming the lyrics to our favorite songs along the way. The theme was a night under the stars,very cliche. Selena Gomez was playing, I gagged and made a gun with my hand and pretended to shoot myself in the head. Jasper laughed, “were you expecting better?”

“Disney set my expectations too high…” I mumbled, Jasper smiled.

The song changed to a slow song, Jasper took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He held my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You look beautiful,”

he said softly, we danced slowly. I had to look down at the floor to make sure I wouldn't step on his feet. I could see him smiling at me, he lifted my chin up carefully so I was looking at him. He closed his eyes and I closed mine, his lips barely brushed mine when my math teacher pulled us apart.

“If you can't control yourselves I'll have to ask you to leave!” She snapped.

“Yes ma'am,” Jasper said, he had his hand on the small of my back, leading me outside.

“Where are we going?”

“There's a party at Greg's house, it should be better than that,” he said, gesturing to the school. “I don't know if it will live up to your Disney expectations, but it'll be than that is, I promise.”

I shrugged, I didn't really love the music anyway.


As I buckled myself into the seat in Jasper's car, I realized something. I just agreed to go to a party. F****.  I laughed nervously, “so, uh, who all will be there?”

“Us, some of Greg's friends, he didn't make it sound like there would be many people.”

I suddenly felt exposed in the knee high dress. People expected you to socialize at parties, something I didn't like and was afraid to do. I tried to pull down the skirt of my dress, all that did was pull down the top part, I sank into the seat, sighing.

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