“You need to try something new once and a while Em, you do the same thing every Saturday,” Jasper complained.
“No I don't,” I muttered, scrolling through Netflix on my laptop.
“You grab something to eat from a store, usually candy, you go home and then you binge watch Netflix for the rest of the day. You never change up your weekends, Em.”
“Sometimes I watch Hulu…”
Jasper narrowed his eyes at me, he sighed.
“Anime or romantic comedies today?” Jasper asked.
“Anime romantic comedy.”
Jasper sighed but sat down to watch Ouran Highschool Host Club with me.Jasper didn't like romantic comedies, we both knew that. He watched them with me because I liked them. He did a lot of things with me that he didn't necessarily enjoy doing. He watched Mean Girls with me because he knew I liked it, even though he hated chick flicks. I did the same for him, I went with him to see all his superhero movies, only some of which I enjoyed. I watched his stupid action movies, only occasionally complaining. He never complained, he was nicer than I was. We're both blunt, but I'm more selfish.
“I'm using that,” Jasper commented.
“Hm?” I said, withdrawing from my thoughts.
“Tamaki can be pretty smooth, I'm using some of his pick up lines sometime.”
“They aren't pick up lines, his demeanor is just that way naturally around most women. He's a gentleman, they aren't meant to be used in a way to seduce the girls he uses them on.”
“His club is all about making women swoon. They're pick up lines.”
“No, they are not.”
“Shut up.”

Please Don't Go
Teen FictionJasper and Em (Emmalyn) have always been incredibly close, ever since they were little. But they day Jasper is killed in a fight right before Em's eyes changes everything. This story is the first in a series leading up to the event of Jasper's death.