Chapter Ten

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Jasper passed me a note during the movie:

Why do you like this garbage?

I responded saying: It's a classic.

It's racist.

It's historically accurate.

The kids are annoying.

You think all children are annoying.


So your statement is invalid.

Bite me.

I leaned over and bit his neck, he jumped back, he looked at me, he was blushing.

“You okay?” I whispered, he nodded. I shrugged and went back to the movie, I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. Without thinking about it I kissed him on the cheek, Jasper looked at me. I couldn't read his expression. Crap, why did I do that?! Oh no, what have I done? Jasper kissed me on the cheek and then on my forehead, I could feel my face burn up. What does this mean? I thought he liked me platonically… why did he kiss me back? (On the face, but still…) why did I kiss him? I thought I only liked him platonically… Why have I been so nervous around him lately then? Am I the only one questioning this?! I peeked over at Jasper, he was watching the movie, I sighed but nuzzled my face into his shoulder. He buried his face in my hair. Why am I questioning this now? Do I want to date him? Do I want to kiss him? I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote:

Have you had your first kiss yet?

I passed it to Jasper, he wrote:

A few months ago, at a party.

Was it good?

Don't have much to compare it to.

 Should I try to flirt? Can I flirt with Jasper? What if he doesn't flirt back? Then what? Then our friendship would be ruined. I wonder if he has the same thoughts as me…  he wrote again:

Have you?

Not with a boy.

Do you want to?

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