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August 5th, 2004
Little Learners kindergarten

      five year old Kaity walked to the sandbox, ignoring all her friends who were calling her over to the monkey bars. she had always had a fear of them, and no way was she ever going to get even close to them.

when she walked up to the sandbox she saw a little boy there, playing with the sand. she realized that he wasn't in her class, he was two years older.

being the sweet girl she was, she straightened her pink dress and stuck out her small hand to the boy.

"hi I'm Kaity, but I also go by kaitlyn." she said, smiling brightly. the boy looked at her with a confused expression.
"I'm brendon, brendon urie"


little did kaity know but that was deemed one of the most important days of her life. when she got home from little learners kindergarten, she was eager to tell her mother about her new friend, brendon, but her mother had other plans.

her mother told her that she was being signed up for her first ever pageant, and following her mothers (who won miss USA) footsteps. not to mention that one of  the pageants director was the one and only brendon uries mother.

Kaity and brendon became best friends, and brendon would be at every pageant (mostly because he had to because of his mother).

this unbreakable bond lasted until they were both 13, and somehow they ended up drifting apart. brendon would occasionally wave to kaity at pageants and whenever they passed each other in the halls but that was it. but eventually even the waving came to an end.  it was almost as if they were sworn enimies, trying to forget the amazing childhood they spent together.

now, brendon has reached the age where his mother is going to force him to host this years annual miss teen Nevada pageant, and kaity will obviously be there to steal the title.

what happens when they cross paths?

pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst
Perfection is a disease of a nation, pretty hurts, pretty hurts
Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst
We try to fix something but you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs the surgery


THIS IS MY NEW STORY !!! I HOPE YALL LIKE! okay so Kaity is gonna be pictured as the QUEEN aka Emma delury.

and if you know me you'd know that kaity is named after kaityyyyyy12234  !!!! okay that's all enjoy and listen to pretty hurts by Beyoncé

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and if you know me you'd know that kaity is named after kaityyyyyy12234 !!!! okay that's all enjoy and listen to pretty hurts by Beyoncé

BEAUTIFUL - BRENDON URIE Where stories live. Discover now