Chapter 7

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Rin's p.o.v

"I hate mornings" I said as I woke up to the shrieking of the birds nearly my window.

Knowing that I can't go back to sleep, I stretched and threw the covers off me then jumped out of bed.

"I better get ready don't want to make Kurai wait, he hates waiting." I said as I step into the bathroom to take a 10 minute shower and brushed my teeth.

When I was done I walked into the hallway and Kurai, who was already ready for school. He was wearing black pants, a blood red shirt and a dark red choker tightly around his neck.

'All in all Kurai is one hell of a hot demon' I thought.

I notices that I was still in my pajamas I turned away blushing bright red and stepped back into my room to change.

I threw on red pants and a black shirt. I looked around my room for my black bandana and found it laying on my dresser. I didn't even know I had one of those before.

I wrap it around my neck and tied it tight. I walk over to the mirror in my room to fix my hair. I had sliver hair with two long side bangs that go down pass my neck and forehead bangs that are almost going into my eyes. The rest of my hair was short, ending pass my ear. It was spiky at the bottom.

After fixing my hair I quickly look for the kitchen, I was starving. As soon as I was there I made instant ramen for me and Kurai even though we don't really need to eat it. I found out that ever since I made the contract with Kurai I don't have to eat food I could survive for weeks without food as long as I had Kurai' s blood to drink.

By the time I finish cooking the ramen Kurai looks about ready to kill. "Hey Kurai what crawled up your ass and died." I ask him trying to lighten up his mood a little.

He glances at me with a look of irritation *YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE HUMAN FOOD AND HERE YOU ARE GIVING ME RAMEN TO EAT!* He shouted at me through our mind link. I got a headache by the loudness of his voice in my head.

That's it l'm going to punish him for that. "Kurai you know that we can't afford the Anbu knowing about our diet now do we. Also I was going to give you some of my blood before we leave but since your being a bad dog... NO FOOD FOR YOU UNTIL WE GET TO THE SCHOOL YOU GOT IT."

He pales at the way my voice turns cold. I'm cold to everybody except him, so he knows just how pissed off I am with him right know. "Ok I'll be good so please give me some food I can't keep living off this pathetic excuse of food." he was looking at the ramen with a disgusted look.

"If you eat all the ramen then I'll let you eat from me all the times you want be just for today. deal?" I just wanted him to eat the ramen so I wasn't stuck eating it for him. Oh the pain of having a greedy, hungry demon that won't leave you along until his stomach's full.

As soon as I finished my train of thought Kurai had eaten the entire cup of ramen, he even ate mine.

See hungry demon will do anything for food. Kurai stands up from the table and comes closer to me. He's so close that I can feel his hot breath fan my face. "I did my part of the deal now it's time to do your Master." I look at him only to see his face full of desire and want .Jashin is he always going to be like this when I don't feed him properly? I sure hope not. "Fine do what you want I don't care." Matbe I shouldn't have siad that.

Next thing you know I'm being pushed against a door with my hands pinned to the wall and Kurai with a very hungry look, did I mendtion Kurai can become unstable when he's hungry no well now you know.

"You've been very mean to me master not feeding me for 3 weeks straight. Are you prepared for the consequences master." Not good he went into blood lust mood I'm screwed. He pressed his lips on my neck letting his tongue slip out of his mouth before he traces my neck with it. I have to use all my will power not be submit to him.

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