chapter 10-Self-Control

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Naruto' s p.o.v




I grunted as I slowly opened my eyes, its going to be another boring day, well maybe something unexpected will happen today.

I stood up and stretched, ugh... school's troublesome. Great now I'm starting to sound like Shikamura. I did my usual routine which was brush my teeth and a quick shower. After I finished my shower I changed into my everyday orang tracksuit. I really need to shop for a new wardrobe.

"What do we have for breakfast today?" I question curiously, looking through the refrigerator, the cabinets. Where the hell did all my ramen go don't tell me I ate it all without noticing!

There's only one thing to do at desperate times no matter how painful it may be; I'm going to have to use my life savings of ramen coupons.

With a heavy heart I walked to my favorite place in the whole village, Ichiruka Ramen Bar. I ordered a miso ramen and waited until it was done.

I heard noises coming from the seat next to me. I looked around for the source of the noise and I guy with black hair sleeping in one of the seats. Wait a minute is that Kurai? What in the world is he doing here or better yet why the hell is he sleeping here?

"Sorry for the wait Naruto here's your ramen." The owner of the store, Teuchi is probably the only other adult besides Iruka that treats me like a human being instead of a monster like everyone else in the village.

I quickly devoured the ramen in front of me. "Thanks Pops. Oh by the way how long has this guy been here for?" It was rare to see Kurai anywhere without Rin I wonder what happened

"Oh that kids still here. He came here yesterday with another guy and has been here since." Teuchi said.

If he's been here the whole night I wonder if Rin knows about this? Well I might as well take him back home before he wakes up.

I paid for the ramen and dragged Kurai all the way back to his apartment, which was conveniently located right next to mine. I knock on Rin's door and waited for someone to answer.

From the look on Rin's face I could tell that he was still sleeping. His hair was messed up on the way that said I was sleeping and just got out of bed, his eyes looked tired and worst of all he was dressed in nothing but his boxers.

" Naruto what are you doing here so early? Classes don't start for another hour so you better have a good excuse for waking me up early or I sent to hell!" Holy carp talk about not being a morning person.

After Rin calmed down enough, I shoved Kurai through the door and placed him on the sofa. "I found him asleep at the Ichiraku's this morning when I was eating breakfast. Do you know why he was sleeping in a place like that?"

"We went out to eat dinner there and he fell asleep. I kind of forgot to wake him up when I finished eating and left him there." I looked at him questionably and asked how he could forget someone who's always with him.

"I assumed that he'd wake up and come back home later." Rin seriously must have been sick in his head if he didn't notice Kurai was still sleeping right where he left him.

Rin tried to wake Kurai wake several times but who knew he was such a heavy sleeper! You'd think after being punched, slapped, and having a buckle of water dropped on you that he at least stir, but he didn't so much as blink an eye.

"Hey Rin are you sure he's not dead because it sure as hell looks that way to me." I was already think of all the carp I was going to confess to at his funeral. Kurai I know your in a better place and you can't kill me since your dead so I feel safe enough to say that I was the who started that rumor that you liked to dress up as a girl and dance to all the single ladies. I didn't realize that I had spoken at loud until I felt a killing intent in the room.

"Um... Naruto?" I opened my eyes and saw my death staring right at me. In front of me was a murdering looking Kurai no murdering doesn't even begin to describe what he looked liked right now.

"Ku-Kurai" I stuttered. He grabbed me by the throat and starting cutting out my oxygen. I forgot that he turns violet when angered. Oh Kami if your real then SAVE ME! I turned to Rin with a look that clearly said help me.

He just looked at me with amusement I swear if I had know him for the past five years then I'd said that he like to see me suffer. It was getting harder to breath with each pasting second. Seriously Rin aren't you going to do something before I end up dead.

"That's enough Kurai. You've had your fun now drop him." Rin finally snapped. Kurai loosened him grip on me but not enough for me to get air. "You must really want to be punished if you have the guts to refuses my orders. Have you forgot who is the MASTER here!"

I couldn't even understand if I was hearing everything correctly or not from the black spots that began to appear. Rin was still trying to get Kurai off me while I was losing conscious with every second that went by. Well at least when I die I won't feel the pain and hatred from all the villagers. That was the last thought I had before I blacked out.

Kurai's p.o.v

I lost all of my control for a split second and as a result I almost ended up killing Naruto. Master was not happy with me at all. "Master please forgive me I didn't mean to lose control my anger just took over me."

He just ignored me and went to tend to Naruto's wounds. I removed my shirt and went to get a change of clothes.

Minutes later I came out with my usual black attire. I spent the rest of the hour with master coming up with a cover story to tell Naruto when he wakes up.

Naruto woke up shortly after we finished planning our cover story. "Urg... what happen you guys?"

Rin glanced at me before turning to Naruto giving him the same cover up story we agreed on. "After you drooped Kurai off we started talking about all the pranks we pulled on the village and just catching up with each other. You fell asleep right after Kurai woke up. We've been trying to wake up since."

*Do you seriously think he's going to buy this crap?* *Well unless you have any other brilliant ideas* I couldn't think of anything else so i just stayed quiet. *I thought so*

"Oh that explains why my head and neck hurt so bad I must of fell asleep in a wrong angle." Sometimes I wonder if Naruto was born with his brain cells missing or it they went dying out with all the beatings from the villagers gave him.

I looked at the clock and cussed when I realized that we were once again late for class. "Guys we're late for class and today's the day of the graduate-" I didn't even finish talking when Rin and Naruto were flying out the door leaving dust in the air. "Wait for me you idiots." I dash after them and caught up in a matter of seconds. When got many looks from the people passing by, I mean it's not everyday you see three kids run like they're life depended on it, well technically it did this is our ninja like your talking about.

We busted into the academy breaking the doors in the process. "Just our fucking luck." I muttered. Naruto was the first to reach the classroom so of course he made our grand entrance known. He stopped right in front of the door, Master was running to fast to come to a complete stop so he ended up bumping into him, and I slammed right into Master.

Unfortunately, this caused all of us to fall right through the door, altering the whole class of our presence. It looks like Iruka was in the middle of a speech or some shit. He glanced down at us with a huge vein poping out on his head.

"So nice of you to join us Naruto, Rin, Kurai. Now if you don't mind me asking WHY ARE YOU ALL SO LATE?" Jashin there go my ear drums. 

I got up from the floor and help Naruto and Master get up. I was about to give a conceivable story when all the girls starting scream gleefully while the rest were dropping to the floor with major nosebleeds. Ok what the hell just happen?

I look around for the source of the girls awkward behavior only to have a little bit of blood rush of out my nose as well. I checked on Naruto to see if he was ok but to my surprise he was also knocked out with a nosebleed.

Iruka was looking lost as to what was happening until he got a good look at Rin. The look on his face was unreadable. "Um... Rin I know this might sound strange to ask but why are you dressed in nothing but your underwear."


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